Editorial and Advertising Policy

"This web site does not accept advertisement"

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Since the Internet is a relatively new medium, there have been few established guidelines for handling editorial content and advertising on the Web. At laparoscopyhospital.com, providing you with accurate, impartial, well-balanced health information has always been our priority. This editorial and advertising policy explains:

This editorial and advertising policy applies to our websites that may be used by consumers and/or medical professionals that contain healthcare content and tools or offer healthcare services. Here is a list of those sites: World Laparoscopy Hospital has a password-protected section for physicians. World Laparoscopy Hospital provides peer-reviewed articles, reference tools, medical and clinical information and resources, medical news, medical conference coverage, treatment updates, and accredited continuing education for healthcare professionals. It also has tools intended only for the use of a trained healthcare professional. This editorial and advertising policy only applies to World Laparoscopy Hospital’s  websites. We are not responsible for how other websites handle editorial and advertising once you leave a World Laparoscopy Hospital site. After you leave our sites, you should read the editorial and advertising policy at each website that you visit.

Editorial and advertising Policy Changes

As our editorial and advertising policy changes in significant ways, we will make every effort to notify you of the changes. Minor changes to the policy may occur that will not affect the overall goals this policy is designed to achieve. When the policy changes in a way that significantly affects the way we handle editorial matters, we will clearly draw the attention of our users to the change. We will post policy changes on our websites in a timely manner.

Editorial Policies

World Laparoscopy Hospital is committed to providing you with balanced, accurate health information. Our websites employ editorial professionals who are responsible for content selection, development and maintenance process. Although we are a for-profit business supported in part by advertising and sponsorship, we recognize the importance of maintaining a clear separation between our independent editorial content and any materials that are advertising or any content that may be influenced by our sponsors.

Sources of Our Information

All materials on our websites that we present as our own is either created by us or is obtained from content providers whose editorial processes we have evaluated and find to be acceptable. Materials we create are written by physicians on our International Advisory Board and other healthcare professionals. We generally intend our content for one of two distinct audiences: healthcare professionals and consumers. Information for healthcare professionals has been evaluated by in-house editors and, for most materials that are in the form of an article, has been sent to members of our Medical Advisory Board for peer review. Information intended for consumers is reviewed for medical accuracy by members of our International Advisory Board or other healthcare professionals who are respected and knowledgeable in their field of expertise. We require documentation to establish the credentials of all our authors and reviewers. Sources for third party editorial content include government agencies, not-for-profit foundations, medical publishers, and for-profit companies that provide healthcare news and information. Our editorial staff reviews most content from outside sources for accuracy, balance, completeness and timeliness before we make it available on our sites. In the cases where a complete review is not possible, we rely on spot-checking and our previous evaluation of possible sources of information and of the editorial procedures used by the information provider (for example, in the case of our drug references. In most cases, content we obtain from others has also been reviewed by the provider's own in-house specialists, or, for most of the material on World Laparoscopy Hospital, subjected to review by independent authorities in the field. World Laparoscopy Hospital reviews site content regularly to ensure that it remains relevant. Where necessary, content found to be incorrect or out of date is corrected, updated, moved to an archive (where it remains available), or purged. We often use editor's notes to indicate when this has occurred.

Linking to other sites

We provide links to other websites only if it is related to laparoscopy. Where we are making a recommendation, we clearly state that fact in connection with the logo or link.


We welcome any comments, questions, or complaints you have about this editorial and advertising policy or our websites. Please feel free to contact us by sending an email to contact@laparoscopyhospital.com

Revision date: This policy was last updated on May 25th, 2007.

Chapter1 | Chapter2 | Chapter3 | Chapter4 | Chapter5 | Chapter6 | Chapter7 | Chapter8 | Chapter9 | Chapter10 | Chapter11 | Chapter12 | Chapter13 | Chapter14 | Chapter15 | Chapter16 | Chapter17 | Chapter18 | Chapter19 | Chapter20 | Chapter21 | Chapter22 | Chapter24 | Chapter25 | Chapter26 | Chapter27

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