Laparoscopic Published Articles from WLH

Thesis of Master in Minimal Access Surgery

Many of the advances and innovations seen through the World Laparoscopy Hospital can be attributed to the fact that we are a research-based center. Recognized as one of the top minimal access training and research institutes in the country, Nationwide World Laparoscopy Hospital research programme is housed right on our own campus. From our cutting-edge research and experience on we have published several articles in various medical journals, which are now available for you to download and print. We are also publishing simple articles on our website for the benefit of General Public and Patient.

World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery

World Laparoscopy Hospital promotes and supports world-class research and publication of these research articles into the outcome and development of new minimal access procedures in both applied and clinical research, promoting innovative laparoscopic and robotic surgical techniques and offering support and mentorship to participants. Our Webstories

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Featured Published Articles in International Journals:

Optimum Shadow-Casting Illumination for Endoscopic Task PerformanceDr R K Mishra
Laparoscopic Versus Open Appendectomy for the Treatment of Acute AppendicitisDr R K Mishra
Role of Robotic Surgery in the Treatment of Mirizzi SyndromeDr R K Mishra
Changing role of laparoscopy in the management of patients with cirrhosisDr R K Mishra
Initial clinical experience using a novel laparoscopy assistantDr R K Mishra
Comparison of Human Camera Holder with PMAT Camera HolderDr R K Mishra
Scarless Cholecystectomy with Standard Laparoscopic Instruments in Selected PatientsDr R K Mishra
Human Fibrin Glue in Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair: An Alternative to Invasive Mesh Fixation: A Review of LiteratureDr R K Mishra
Single-Port Laparoscopic Placement of Peritoneal Dialysis CatheterDr R K Mishra
Different Port Closure Techniques in Laparoscopy SurgeryDr R K Mishra
Immunological Response of Postcholecystectomy: Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS) vs Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES).Dr R K Mishra
The Camera-holding Robotic Device in Laparoscopy SurgeryDr R K Mishra
Tissue Glue in Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair: A Retrospective Comparative Analysis.Dr R K Mishra
Different Techniques of Tissue Retrieval from Abdominal Cavity during Minimal Access SurgeryDr R K Mishra
Perspective of Electrosurgical Sources in Minimal Access SurgeryDr R K Mishra
Which Endoscopic way is true to predict the tubal Patency Test of Infertile Patient - Trans abdominal or TransvaginalDr R K Mishra
Comparing Extracorporeal Knots in Laparoscopy using Knot and Loop SecuritiesDr R K Mishra
Comparing Task Performance and Comfort during Nonpulmo nary Video-assisted Thoracic Surgery Procedures Between the Application of the Baseball Diamond and the Triangle Target Principles of Port Placement in Swine ModelsDr R K Mishra
Differences between Thunderbeat, LigaSure and Harmonic Scalpel Energy System in Minimally Invasive SurgeryDr R K Mishra
Is there an ideal port position for laparoscopic urological proceduresDr R K Mishra
Veress Needle for Port-site ClosureDr R K Mishra
Role of Mishra’s Knots in Various Surgeries in LaparoscopyDr R K Mishra
Challenges in the Widespread use of Minimal Access Surgery for the Management of Abdominal Trauma: A PrimerDr R K Mishra
A Comparative Study of Single Incision vs Conventional Four Incision Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Single Center ExperienceDr R K Mishra
Comparative Study of Surgical Approaches for Renal Pelvic Stones in a Northern Rural Medical CollegeDr R K Mishra
Comparison of Three-port vs Four-port Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in a Medical College in the PeripheryDr R K Mishra
Laparoscopic Subtotal Cholecystectomy: Our Experience  

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