Free Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgeries For Surgeons by Surgeons

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Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance of God. World Laparoscopy Hospital is the only institute in the World where free Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery is being performed for poor patients. The course fee collected for various training program conducted at World Laparoscopy Hospital is used to organize the surgeries on economically weaker patients and supplying the research findings and study materials like DVDs, Books, Journals, Videos of Surgeries to participating surgeon and gynecologists. If a society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. The life of a man consists not in seeing visions and in dreaming dreams, but in active charity and in willing service.

World Laparoscopy Hospital


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It is very unfortunate that present days healthcare is just all about money. Money is essential and even from the earliest days doctors needed to be compensated in order to maintain their livelihood. As medical advances progressed in the 19th century and healthcare began to rely on empirical science, costs increased. In the early 1900s, doctors were no longer expected to treat patients for free if they could not pay. Present days Hospital began to transform themselves from a place people went to die to a place where people could be cured. It is unfortunate all of this cost money is more for laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic Surgery is must for poor people because they earn their money by doing physical hard work and they need to recover much faster then rich people.

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To decrease the impact of high cost of Laparoscopic surgery on the financial status of poor people of developing country, there is a trend toward developing affordable treatment models for complex conditions on a fully modern operation theatre. World Laparoscopy Hospital is only institution in the world which provide free laparoscopic surgery for poor and needy patients. We have done a retrospective study of the initial experience of advanced laparoscopic procedures performed in the World Laparoscopy Hospital. Over 21 Years, 9150 patients underwent free laparoscopic surgery. Even the people who are not fortunate to have Government Support by BPL Card we do perform free laparoscopic surgery if they are financially underprivileged. Please send e-mail to to learn more about free laparoscopic surgery.

Free Laparoscopic Surgery

World Laparoscopy Hospital is dedicated to helping the thousands of poor patient who suffer from gallstone diseases, appendicitis, hernia, fibroid uterus, ovarian cyst, kidney stone, hiatus hernia, diverticulum etc... by providing free laparoscopic surgery. We are always open to help the poor and needy when there is no any other way we will serve them definitely so that they will get a new smile, new hope.

"To serve the poor is our mission," "Medical services provided is completely free" and "Quality that we give to the poor patient should not be inferior to that a rich man can get".



Award of Super Idol is given to Dr. R.K. Mishra for his contribution to humanity and weaker section of society. The award adheres to a unique process of selection where the Network18 Editorial Board drawn from the editorial masterminds of CNN-IBN, IBN7, IBN-Lokmat deliberate to icons, keeping in mind their sterling contribution to humanity.

Dr. Mishra has recently received one lakh rupees by Salman Khan and one lakh rupees by IBN7 and this prize money was used to perform free laparoscopic surgery.

It is a hard fact that at present due to cost of instrument involved only the rich or middle class people can afford minimal access surgery. For the poor and needy, we provide laparoscopic surgery COMPLETELY FREE OF COST. There is no any hidden charge attached to any service at our hospital for these category of patients. This free service is provided to economically disadvantaged people irrespective of race, color, language, class, creed, religion or region.

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For the patients who want to take advantage of our free service, we advice that:

1. Please apply well in advance so that your surgery wont be delayed due to long cue.

2. Please submit a certificate from the head of your district or village regarding your financial status.

3. Please get a referral from your family physician.

India is a subcontinent but we spend less than one percent of our GDP on health. It is natural that our economic growth would be impeded and the poor would remain under the poverty line. Dr. Mishra's intiative to operate free those patient was appreciated all over world. This surgical mission is intended for the impoverished patients who cannot afford the highly prohibitive cost of Laparoscopic Surgery and medical services of private hospitals. Aside from the free cost of surgery, the patients were also provided free medicines, free foods and free transportation.

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