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                       Laparoscopic Decortication of Simple Renal Cyst with Omental Wadding Technique: Single Center Experience
          Laparoscopic Decortication of Simple Renal Cyst with

          Omental Wadding Technique: Single Center Experience

          M El-Shazly, A Allam, B Hathout

          ABSTRACT                                               A simple benign cyst (Bosniak I) has a thin wall without
                                                              septations, calcification or solid components. Its density
          Objectives: The aim is to study the outcome of laparoscopic
          decortication of symptomatic simple renal cyst with omental  measures like water and does not show enhancement with
          wadding technique in a single center.               contrast material. 5
          Methods:  This is a retrospective study of 16 consecutive  Most of simple renal cysts require no treatment,
          patients who underwent transperitoneal laparoscopic  intervention is indicated only when patients present with
          decortication of symptomatic simple renal cyst with omental
                                                              symptoms or complications, such as UTI or upper urinary
          wadding technique between November 2007 and November
                                                              tract obstruction. Sclerotherapy is the ideal primary
          2011. The indication for surgery was for relief of pain in all cases.
          Pain was assessed preoperatively and 1 and 6 months  management especially for relatively small simple renal
          postopertively using numerical rating pain scale. All cysts were  cysts (less than 10 cm in its greatest dimension). It is a
          more than 10 cm in its greatest dimension. Laparoscopic  minimally invasive and safe procedure and it is frequently
          decortication was the primary treatment in 13 cases and the
                                                              performed to treat these patients. However, the recurrence
          secondary treatment in three cases after sclerotherapy. We used
                                                              rate after simple aspiration alone is 41 to 78%. Recurrence
          the omental wadding technique to decrease the incidence of
          recurrence. We reviewed the preoperative and postoperative  rate is around 43% after single session of sclerotherapy and
          data.                                               is lowered to 5% after repeated sessions of sclerotherapy. 6-9
          Results:  The operation was successfully completed     Since, the introduction of laparoscopy to urologic
          laparoscopically in all cases with a mean operative time of 95  surgery in the 1990s, laparoscopic decortication of simple
          minutes without major perioperative complications. Hospital stay
                                                              renal cysts has been reported to be an excellent modality of
          was 2.4 days (range, 2 to 4 days). Fifteen cases improved
          significantly after operation in a mean follow-up of 1.5 year. One  management as it is effective and it can duplicate techniques
          case only had radiological recurrence after 6 months  of open surgery. This is together with the generic advantages
          postoperatively.                                    of laparoscopy; less invasive, less morbidity, less pain and
          Conclusion: Laparoscopic decortication of large simple renal  less analgesic use, short convalescence and rapid return to
          cysts is an efficacious, safe and less invasive method of  work. 10
          treatment. Omental wadding is helpful to decrease the incidence
          of cyst recurrence. Laparoscopic decortication is recommended  PATIENTS AND METHODS
          as a primary treatment for huge cysts or as a secondary
          treatment after treatment failure with sclerotherapy.  Sixteen patients with simple renal cysts were admitted to

          Keywords: Renal cyst, Decortication, Laparoscopic, Omental  Urology Department, Farwaniya Hospital, between
          wadding.                                            November 2007 and November 2011 and mean age 52 years,
                                                              range 27 to 68; seven males and nine females.
          How to cite this article: El-Shazly M, Allam A,  Hathout B.
          Laparoscopic Decortication of Simple Renal Cyst with Omental  All cases were presented with pain. Pain was assessed
          Wadding Technique: Single Center Experience. World J Lap  using numerical rating pain scale preoperatively and
          Surg 2012;5(1):1-3.
                                                              postoperatively after 1 month and 6 monthly. Abdominal
          Source of support: Nil                              ultrasonography and computed tomography with contrast
                                                              were performed for all cases preoperatively to assess type
          Conflict of interest: None declared
                                                              of cyst and to rule out any connection to pelvicalyceal
          INTRODUCTION                                        system. All cases were diagnosed with symptomatic simple
                                                              renal cyst (Bosniak 1 and 2). The estimated mean largest
          It is estimated that the incidence of renal cysts is 20% at 40  cyst dimension measured by CT was 14.5 cm (range from
          years of age and 33% at 60 years population.  Most of renal  11-19 cm). Fourteen cases had single cortical cyst, and
          cysts are asymptomatic, the diagnosis is usually incidental  two had more than one cyst. There were no parapelvic cysts
          during abdominal ultrasonography. Up to 5 to 10% of renal  in our series.
          cysts are symptomatic. The main presentation is flank pain,  Ultrasonography was repeated 1 and 6 months
          occasionally patients may present with hematuria,   postoperatively. CT was repeated postoperatively if
          hypertension or UTI. 2-4                            ultrasonography suggested the possibility of recurrence.

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2012;5(1):1-3                                  1
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