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                                    Is Robotic Pancreatic Surgery expected Access by the Minimal Access Pancreatic Surgeons?

                                Table 1: Total laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomies (NR: Nonreported)
             Study           Year   Patients    Mean       Mean        Mean     Morbidity  Mortality  Conversion
                                               operative  estimated   hospital   cases      cases    cases
                                              time (min) blood loss (ml)  stay (days)
             Gagner 12      1997      10         510        NR          22         3         NR        4
             Dulucq 21      2006      16         287        107         16         4          1        3
             Lu 22          2006       5         528        770        NR          2          1        1
             Palanivelu 3   2007      75         357         74          8        20          1        0
             Pugliese 23    2008      12         461        180         19         4          0        6
             Kendrick 13    2010      54         368        240          7        26          1        0
             Ammori 14      2011       6         628        350         11         2          0        0
             Zureikat 24    2011      14         456        300          8         8          1        2
             Total/mean              192         388.8      178.7        9.9   69 (35.9%)  5 (2.7%)  16 (8.3%)

                                  Table 2: Total robotic pancreaticoduodenectomies (NR: Nonreported)
           Study             Year   Patients    Mean       Mean        Mean     Morbidity  Mortality  Conversion
                                               operative  estimated   hospital   cases      cases    cases
                                              time (min) blood loss (ml)  stay (days)
           Buchs 17         2010      41         430        389         13        16          1        2
           Giulianotti (IT) 4  2010   36         312        261         22        NR          1        9
           Giulianotti (USA) 4  2010  24         351        342          9        NR          1        2
           Zhou 25          2011       8         718        153         16         2          0        0
           Total/mean                109         394.77     319.06      15.31   18 (21%)   3 (3%)   13 (12%)

          reported in RG with a good control in all of the cases in  or medical necessity. In 16 patients (8.3%) of LG and in
          both arms.                                          13 cases (12%) of RG the surgery was converted to an open

          We do not use an specific international definition of  DISCUSSION
          postoperative pancreatic fistula (PPF) due to the varied
                                                              For many pancreatic disorders surgical resection offers the
          definitions used by the differents authors, although most of
                                                              only chance for a cure, and surgery also plays a very
          them adopted the international study group on pancreatic
                                                              important role in the symptom’s palliation of unresectable
          fistula definition. Furthermore, to emphasize the difficulty
                                                              pancreatics neoplasms.
          of the reconstruction, we joined all the anastomosis leaks
                                                                 Since the first laparoscopic staging for pancreatic cancer
          (pancreatic, biliary and digestive) in just one variable for
                                                              described by Dr Bernheim at the Johns Hopkins Hospital
          the final analysis. The most common fistula reported was   5
                                                              in 1911,  up to date, laparoscopic procedures for staging
          PPF. We identified 28 cases (14.5%) from the LG and 33
                                                              with laparoscopic intraoperative ultrasonography seem to
          (30%) in RG in which at least one total intracorporeal
                                                              be well accepted by the scientific community due to its
          anastomosis presented a leak.
                                                              higher sensitivity for identifying intraabdominal metastasis
          Mortality                                           and facilitating biopsy and superior specificity for predicting
                                                              unresectability, compared with CT scan. 6-8
          Operative mortality was defined as death within the period
          of time from the surgery until the discharge. All the studies  During the last 20 years many authors have reported
          reported their mortality apart from one with 10 cases which  large series of minimal access pancreatic surgery with
          were not taken into account in the analysis. We found  multiple procedures, from distal pancreatectomies with or
          five patients (2.7%) who died during the hospital stay, most  without splenic-preserving to pancreaticoduodenectomies
          of them due to an advanced septicemia condition secondary  (Whipple’s procedure or even pylorus-preserving PD),
          to pancreatic fistula in LG. In the robotic arm, we identified  including enucleations and central resections. In contrast
          three patients (3%) who died, one of them secondary to  to laparoscopic PD, laparoscopic distal pancreatectomies
          esophageal rupture at 85 days after primary resection. 4  have been reported with increasing frequency. The main
                                                              reasons are the easier surgical technique of the procedure
          Conversion                                          without the need of an anastomosis and, of course, the

          Conversion was understood as an impossibility to perform  well-known advantages of laparoscopy in general. But,
          the total laparoscopic approach, both technical difficulties  minimal access PD is considered by many surgeons, most

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2012;5(1):49-53                              51
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