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                                    Is Robotic Pancreatic Surgery expected Access by the Minimal Access Pancreatic Surgeons?
          Is Robotic Pancreatic Surgery expected Access
          by the Minimal Access Pancreatic Surgeons?

          RJ Orti-Rodríguez

          ABSTRACT                                            when the procedure is performed by experienced surgeons
                                                              in referral centers.
          Objectives: Many surgeons have demonstrated the feasibility
          of laparoscopic pancreatoduodenectomies (PD), but benefits  At the same time, minimal access techniques are in a
          comparable to or even more prominent than those of an open  high-speed development day by day, minute by minute and
          procedure has not been clinically proven. Robotic surgery has
                                                              second by second. Once a surgical technique is not fully
          improved some aspects of the laparoscopic approach. We
                                                              demonstrated yet, another new access technique approach
          compare both types of approach for PD.
                                                              or even instrument is born. In pancreatic surgery there is
          Methods: The literature was systematically reviewed to find all
          the PD procedures totally performed by a laparoscopic or by a  increasing interest in the feasibility of minimal access
          robotic approach.                                   techniques in an attempt to decrease morbidity. But, the
                                                              difficulty of performing these complex resections and
          Results: Between 1996 and 2012, 192 patients underwent a
          total laparoscopic PD and 109 a total robotic PD. The mean  reconstructions without the whole freedom of movement
          operating room time and mean estimated blood loss was  of the open surgery can cast doubt on the suitability of the
          388.8 minutes and 178.7 ml for LG and 397.4 minutes and  laparoscopic approach.
          319.06 ml for RG. Morbidity was found in 18 cases of RG and in
                                                                 Robotic surgery, an unstoppable field of the minimal
          69 of LG. Mortality and conversion rates were similars in both
          arms.                                               access surgery, has improved some limitations of standard
                                                              laparoscopic surgery such, among other things, ergonomic,
          Conclusion: This review can not find clear difference between
          both groups in spite of the short literature available.  precision suturing and of course tha lack of three-dimensional
                                                              visualization. So, is robotic surgery the step we were
          Keywords: Laparoscopic, Robotic, Pancreatoduodenectomy,
          Whipple.                                            expecting for minimal access PD?
                                                                 In this review, we present the current evidence available
          How to cite this article: Orti-Rodríguez RJ. Is Robotic
                                                              on minimal access PD comparing both techniques to sort
          Pancreatic Surgery expected Access by the Minimal Access
          Pancreatic Surgeons? World J Lap Surg 2012;5(1):49-53.  out this question.
          Source of support: Nil
          Conflict of interest: None declared
                                                              Search Strategy
          INTRODUCTION                                        The PubMed database was searched electronically from
                                                              1996 up to January 2011 (inclusive). Search terms used
          Even in unresectable pancreatic neoplasms, staging or  included: Laparoscopic, robotic, Whipple procedure,
          palliation can be accomplished by laparoscopic means. It is  pancreaticoduodenectomy, pancreatoduodenectomy. Terms
          well known that the morbidity of a large laparotomy, which
                                                              were searched both in isolation and in combination. Search
          is required for an adequate exposure, can be avoided with  limits were applied to include articles published in English
          laparoscopic examination and ultrasonography for staging,  or in Spanish languages and human studies only. Articles
          laparoscopic palliative bypass surgery or thoracoscopic  published in abstract form only, single case reports, review
          splanchnicectomy for pain control.                  articles or reporting less than five cases were not included
             But, what about minimal access pancreatic resection for  for the final analysis. Cases describing hand assistance as
          pancreatic cancer? Surgical resection in nonadvanced  part of the procedure or hybrid approaches are also excluded
          pancreatic neoplasms represents the only hope of cure. The  in this study because were not considered as just one pure
          definitive surgical procedure for carcinoma of the head of  approach (total laparoscopic or total robotic PDs). For
          the pancreas is the Whipple pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD),  authors or institutions who republished their results with
          and for some time now, pylorus-preserving PD is replacing  larger series, only the most recent article and larger series
          standard Whipple PD because a better gastric emptying may  were included. To achieve a more homogeneous data
          result in better nutrition and weight gain. Although debate  collecting, series of patients from multicentric studies were
          continues, the open approach continues to enjoy decreasing  taken, when the information reported allowed, as
          rates of morbidity and mortality around the world, of course,  independent series according to the institution. Flow chart

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2012;5(1):49-53                              49
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