Page 9 - World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons - Journal
P. 9

M El-Shazly et al

          TECHNIQUE                                              The mean numerical pain score was 5.5 preoperatively
                                                              and decreased to 0.5 after 1 month postoperatively. After
          Under general anesthesia, patients were positioned in the
                                                              6 months, the mean numerical pain score was 1.7. This was
          lateral position. Transperitoneal access was established
                                                              statistically caused by the occurrence of recurrence in one
          using veress needle or open (Hasson technique). Primary
                                                              case after 6 months.
          port (10 mm) was inserted on the lateral border of rectus
                                                                 The mean operative time was 95 minutes (range 60-135).
          abdominis muscle opposite the umbilicus. Two working
                                                              The mean operative duration for the three cases that
          ports (5 mm) were inserted after establishment of
                                                              had sclerotherapy prior to laparoscopic decortication was
          pneumoperitoneum on the anterior axillary line: One just
                                                              115 minutes. The mean operative duration of the thirteen
          below the costal margin and the other just above anterior
                                                              cases that had laparoscopic decortication as a primary
          superior iliac spine. Longitudinal incision was done in the
                                                              management was 72 minutes. The difference is statistically
          posterior peritoneum on the line of Toldt followed by
                                                              significant using Statpac version III (using t-test: t was 5.2,
          medialization of ascending or descending colon using
                                                              degree of freedom 14, two tailed probability 0.0001).
          scissor and Maryland dissector. Gerota’s fascia was then
          dissected to expose the kidney. Aspiration of the cyst was
          done using aspiration needle inserted through skin under
                                                              Renal cysts can be classified to simple (Bosniak type I
          laparoscopic guidance. Excision of the cyst wall (unroofing)
                                                              and II) or complex (Bosniak type III and IV) cysts with risk
          was then done. Cauterization of the edges and wadding the
                                                              of malignancy according to Bosniak classification. 11
          cavity with omentum was performed to decrease the
                                                                 The ideal management of symptomatic simple renal cyst
          possibility of recurrence. Omentum was fixed to the cyst
                                                              should be less invasive and effective with low recurrence
          edges with intracorporeal sutures and clips. A drain is left
                                                              rate. Aspiration only or aspiration sclerotherapy is less
          for 1 day only. Removal of ports and closure of port sites
                                                              invasive, however the recurrence rate is relatively high. 6,7
          were performed.
                                                                 Open surgery offers the best success rate and lowest
          RESULTS                                             recurrence rate among the different modalities; however, it
                                                              is invasive procedure with the comorbidities of flank
          The demographics and operative data are summarized in
                                                              incision. Laparoscopy offers effective treatment with high
          Table 1.
                                                              success rate and low recurrence rate comparable to open
             The operation was successfully completed laparos-
                                                              surgery with the advantage of being less invasive modality
          copically in all cases with no conversion to open surgery.       9,10
                                                              of management.
          There were no major perioperative complications. One case
                                                                 Different laparoscopic techniques are reported: Simple
          only developed ileus postoperatively and stayed for 4 days.
                                                              decortication using monopolar diathermy or scissors,
          This was due to some colonic adhesions that required more
                                                              marsupialization, decortication with omental wadding and
          dissection. Hospital stay was 2.4 days (range, 2 to 4 days).
                                                              different approaches; transperitoneal, extraperitoneal and
          The mean blood loss was 50 ml (range 60-135 minutes).                    12,13
                                                              less have been described.
          Fifteen cases improved significantly after operation in a
                                                                 Inspite of the advancement of different laparoscopic
          mean follow-up of 1.5 years. One case had recurrence after
                                                              techniques, the reported recurrence rate is still up to 19%
          6 months. Unfortunately, he developed colon cancer and                       14
                                                              regardless the technique used.
          refused any further intervention.
                                                                 Transperitoneal and retroperitoneal approaches are
                                                              comparable regarding to improvement of pain, clinical
                 Table 1: The demographics and operative data
                                                              success and radiological findings. Transperitoneal approach
           Demographics and    Results                        has the advantages of larger working space, anatomical
           operative data
                                                              landmarks and has the disadvantages of longer operative
           Mean age (range)    52 years (range 27-68 years)                                   15
           Males               7                              duration and need to mobilize colon.  We preferred the
           Females             9                              transperitoneal approach as it is our preferred approach and
           Cyst size (mean largest  14.5 (range 11-19 cm)     it allows accessibility to the omentum for decortication with
           dimension of cyst)
           Approach            All transperitoneal            omental wadding.
           Mean operative      95 minutes (range 60-135 minutes)  Recurrence after laparoscopic decortication could be
           Mean blood loss     50 ml (range 30-80 ml)         explained by incomplete resection of the cyst wall. The
           Mean hospital       2.4 days (range 2 to 4 days)   residual secreting cyst wall can become adherent to
           stay (range)                                       surrounding tissues with development of a new cyst.
           Recurrence          1
                                                              To prevent recurrences, different techniques have been
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