Page 6 - World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons - Journal
P. 6

RJ Orti-Rodríguez

          of them nonlaparoscopic surgeons, as an experimental  Europe and North America as Giulanotti et al  expose in
          procedure due to the associated morbidity and the very  their article. The authors explain that the length of hospital
          difficult surgical technique of this particular surgery. 9  stay of their series, divided in this article into two
             In the open approach, when the procedure is performed  independent series according to the institution where the
          by significant expertise in pancreatic surgery, rates of  procedure was performed, varied depending if the patient
          morbidity and mortality are prone to decrease (morbidity =  was operated in Europe or in America. In the Italian group
          18-54%; mortality = 1-4%). From the first description of  the mean hospital stay was 22 days and in the US group,
          the Whipple’s procedure,  the technique has suffered some  was 9 days. They stress that Europeans patients do not go
          modifications and surgeons have to develope their surgical  home if they have a drain in place but american patients
          skills day by day until reach the morbidity and mortality  were discharged at the 9th day (mean), with or without drain,
          rates of this era. Whenever the minimal access approach  to reduce the price of the procedure. We realized that this
          (laparoscopic and robotic) was between certain security  series is a large one which has a big influence in the final
          limits, it must suffer a similar development as open  analysis, so we also suggest this as the main reason why the
          approach.                                           WA of the hospital stay is higher in RG than in LG.
             Robotic surgery improves many of the shortcomings of  Rates of periopertive morbidity in laparoscopic PD in
          laparoscopy. The dizzying development of the surgical  series of high-volume range between 26 and 40%. In this
          industry, makes possible in robotic surgery binocular  review, we identified 69 morbidity cases (36%) in LG and
          three-dimensional imaging, 360º movement of surgical  18 (21%) in RG, but these data are not very reliable because
          instruments and a better comfort and precision, without the  of two series of RG (60 patients; 55%) did not specifically
          physiologic tremor, of the surgeon. These advances allow  report this variable. Although we did not take in count this
          to perform complex procedures with nearly identical  cases for the final analysis we did not want to compare both
          principles to open surgery making robotic surgery the  groups due to the high difference in their sizes.
          probable expected step in minimal access pancreatic surgery.  PPF is the most frequent and one of the most dangerous
             Gagner et al 11  described the first laparoscopic  specific major complication after pancreatic resection. There
          pancreaticoduodenectomy in 1994 and reported a large  is a huge variation between series in the reported rates,
          series of 10 patients some years later  with a mean operative  probably because of the different definitions of PPF used.
          time of 510 minutes. From this series to the most   In spite of the robotic surgery allows a better freedom of
          recent ones, there is a significant decrease in the operating  movement to perform an anastomosis, we found a higher
          room time. Kendrick et al published in 2010  a series of  percentage of fistula in RG (30%) than in LG (14.5%) when
          54 patients with a mean operative time of 368 minutes and  we compared both arms. Probably this finding could be
          state that their initially long operation time decreased from  caused because more than 50% of the patients of the Buchs
          a mean of 7.7 hours in the first 10 patients to 5.3 hours in  et al publication 17  had pancreatic stump sclerosis, where
          the last 10; on the other hand, Ammori et al 14  recently  small pancreatic leaks are common. The other article in
          reported a small series of six patients with a mean  which data showed a high incidence of pancreatic fistula
          operating room time of 628 minutes. Surprisingly, in RG,  was the Giulanotti et al publication.  They attribute this high
          the WA was 394.77 minutes, practically the same as in LG  incidence also to the subgroup of patient who followed
          (388.8 mins), in spite operative times usually remain  injection sclerosis of the duct but do not rule out a surgical
          significantly longer in robotic surgery than in other  technique fail. However, similar rates of bleeding (RG: 9%;
          approaches.                                         LG: 4%) and conversion (LG:8.3%; RG:12%) were found
             Many publications report numerous potential benefits  in both groups. Conversion rates was compared favorably
          of robotic surgery over the traditional approach: Less pain,  with that in the literature (11.5%).
          less risk of infection, less blood loss and transfusions, less  We can find similar rates of motality in high-volume
          scarring, faster recovery and quicker return to normal  centers for open PD (1 to 4%) and for minimal access PD
          activities. 15,16  But, in this case, we found clear differences  (0 to 5%). We found five cases in the whole series of LG
          in mean estimated blood loss and mean hospital stay between  (2.7%) and three in the RG (3%) which is in keeping with
          both groups in favor of LG. The WA of the estimated blood  the literature reviewed. In the article of Buchs et al,  there
          loss was 178.7 ml for LG and 319.06 ml for RG. We can  was one death as a result of a fatal cardiac arrhythmia in a
          not explicate this difference and we would need a more  patient over 70 years old. In spite of this death, the authors
          thorough analysis to get conclusions. In the other hand the  conclude that a totally robotic approach for PD can be
          WA of the hospital stay was 9.9 days (LG) and 15.31 days  performed safely in an elderly population, with similar
          (RG). This variations in the length of hospital stay can be  results compared with younger patients. The other two cases
          explained by the differences in the health systems between  reported by Giulanotti et al  were due to sepsis following
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