Page 4 - World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons - Journal
P. 4

RJ Orti-Rodríguez

          outlines the search history and the total number of    A weighted average (WA), utilized also by Gumbs et al
          publications included in this review.               in a recent review, is used to calculate a statistical weighted
             The variables studied were as follows: Mean operating  mean of all the differents means collected in the examined
          room time, mean estimated blood loss, morbidity, bleeding,  publications:
          fistulas rates, mortality and conversion rates.
                                                                 WA = (w x + w x +…+ w x )/(w + w +…+ w )
                                                                         1 1
                                                                               2 2
                                                                                        n n
          RESULTS                                                where w is the number of cases in a publication and x is
                                                              the mean of an specific variable.
          The initial search identified 658 articles. After exclusion of
                                                                 Tables 1 and 2 summarise the outcomes of total
          repeated articles 228 and items not published in English or
                                                              laparoscopic and total robotic PD respectively.
          Spanish languages or no humans studies, 44, 184 publications
          were selected. All identified articles were examined, and  PERIOPERATIVE FACTORS
          manuscripts with one or more exclusion criteria were not
                                                              Mean operation time ranged from 287 to 628 minutes in
          taken into account—review articles 68, single case reports
                                                              LG and from 312 to 718 minutes in RG, with a WA of
          37, lack of relevance 62, data duplication 4.
                                                              389 (LG) and 394 minutes (RG). Mean estimated blood
             During the process of data collection, we found an article
          with a large series of 35 patients  in which there were not  loss ranged from 74 to 770 ml in LG, but this variable was
                                                              not reported in 10 cases (5%) which were not taken into
          reported most of the variables examined, therefore, we
                                                              account in the analysis. Notice that the lowest estimated
          finally excluded it in spite of it is mentioned and used in
                                                              blood loss is in the largest series as Palanivelu’s series and
          other review articles.  At the end, a total of 12 articles were
                                                              most of them are under 300 ml of blood loss. WA calculated
          full examined.
                                                              was 178.7 ml. In the robotic arm WA was 319 ml with a
             In the examined publications, there were no randomized
                                                              range from 153 to 389 ml. All of the groups reported
          controlled trials and a total of 326 patients were included in
                                                              hospital stay. Average length of stay in LG ranged from
          from all articles; 217 patients for the laparoscopic group
                                                              7 to 22.3 days with a WA of 10 days. The lowest limits of
          (LG) and 109 for the robotic group (RG). In 25 patients
                                                              this range is from the group of Minnesota, the largest and
          (LG), an additional assistance was necessary as a
                                                              one of the most recent series in this analysis. In RG, we
          minilaparotomy or a hand-port to perform the whole
                                                              found a considerable increase in the length of stay, ranged
          reconstruction, so these patients were excluded of the study.
                                                              from 9 to 22 days and with a WA of 15 and 31 days.
          Of the remaining 301 patients the conversión rates were
          29 (9.6%; LG = 16 (8.3%); RG = 13 (12%)) and were taken  Morbidity
          as technique fails.
                                                              Perioperative complications occurred in LG in 69 patients
                                                              (36%). We have stressed the importance of two specific
                                                              types of morbidity: Bleeding and fistulas and we have not
                                                              paid attention to gastric emptying because we are not going
                                                              to differentiate standard Whipple´s procedure with pylorus-
                                                              preserving PD. It is important to enhance that in RG total
                                                              morbidity is not representative because of the absence of
                                                              the largest series data (60 patients; 55%).
                                                              Bleeding is considerated as an unexpected blood loss during
                                                              the surgery or the whole postoperative hospital stay which
                                                              required any surgical or medical management and is not
                                                              directly derivated from another medical or nonmedical
                                                              intervention. Anemia as incidental finding was not
                                                              considerated as bleeding although blood transfusions were
                                                              required. Just one group did not report this data (42 patients;
                                                              26.4%) but we decided to count it as if they did not suffer
                                                              any bleeding because of the fact that the author reported a
                                                              detailled morbidity without the necessity of mention this
                                                              parameter.  Bleeding was identified in eight (4%) of 192 of
              Flow Chart 1: The search history and total number of
                           publications included              the patients of the LG and in nine cases (9%) of 101 patients
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9