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          Lakkanna Suggaiah et al
           CASE REPORT
          Laparoscopic Gonadectomy for Complete Androgen

          Insensitivity Syndrome

          Lakkanna Suggaiah, Usharani Rathnam, Preetham Raj

          ABSTRACT                                            normal and the vagina measured 5 cm in length, ending
          Introduction: Androgen insensitivity syndrome is a form of male  blindly. Family history revealed she was the only child
          pseudohermaphrodite where the phenotype female has male  with no similar complaints in the family. Transabdomino-
          gonads and is genotypically male.                   pelvic ultrasound confirmed the absence of uterus and
          Case report:  We report a case of complete androgen  ovary and presence of bilateral masses of 3 × 2.5 cm in
          insensitivity syndrome in a 22-year-old who underwent
                                                              size, located near the internal ring of the inguinal canal.
          laparoscopic gonadectomy.
                                                              Imaging studies noted absence of prostrate and seminal
          Discussion:  Androgen insensitivity syndrome is the most
          common cause of male pseudohermaphroditism and third most
                                                                 Karyotype report was 46 XY (Fig. 2). Serum FSH was
          common cause of primary amenorrhea.
                                                              10.7 μ/ml, serum estradial was 88 pg/ml, all other hormonal
          Conclusion: Laparoscopy is an effective method in androgen
                                                              parameters and tumor markers were within normal limits.
          insensitivity syndrome treatment, mainly due to the increased
          risk of malignant transformation of the testes. Psychosexual  After standard peroperative preparation, operative
          needs should be addressed along with low-dose hormonal  laparoscopy was performed under GA. Pelvic and
          therapy to maximize long-term success.
                                                              abdominal inspection revealed absent uterus and ovaries.
          Keywords: Androgen insensitivity syndrome, Laparoscopic  Bilateral gonads appearing as testis were attached near
                                                              the internal ring of both inguinal canals. The pedicles of
          How to cite this article: Suggaiah L, Rathnam U, Raj  P.  gonads were coagulated with bipolar cautery and cut with
          Laparoscopic Gonadectomy for Complete Androgen Insensitivity
                                                              laparoscopic scissors to prevent the spillage of cells and
          Syndrome. World J Lap Surg 2012;5(1):54-57.
                                                              contamination. The gonads were placed in endobags and
          Source of support: Nil
                                                              removed intact after extending the port (Figs 3 and 4).
          Conflict of interest: None declared                 There was no complication during the operation. The
                                                              patient was discharged on the 3rd postoperative day after
          Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) was previously   Gross pathology reports mentioned the tissue marked
          called testicular feminization syndrome. Intersex is a rare  as the right gonad measuring 3 × 5 × 2 cm with attached
          X-linked recessive condition due to mutation at xq 11-q 12
          localization on the androgen receptor gene. AIS is a form
          of male pseudohermaphrodite where the phenotype female
          has male gonads and is genotypically male. Importance of
          this syndrome is development of testicular tumor especially
          seminoma after puberty. The diagnosis is often based on
          absence of uterus, cervix, tubes and a vagina of variable
          length with nondysplastic testis.

          CASE REPORT

          A 22-year-old woman was admitted to ESIC Medical
          College PGIMSR, Rajajinagar, Bengaluru, with complaints
          of primary amenorrhea and infertility, referred to the
          surgical department by gynecology department for bilateral
          inguinal swelling. The patient was 175 cm tall, weighing
          60 kg. External physical examination revealed well-
          developed breasts, abundant scalp hair with scanty pubic
          and axillary hair (Fig. 1). The vulva and perineum appeared         Fig. 1: Thick long hair

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