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Lakkanna Suggaiah et al

                     Fig. 5: HPE-sertoli cell hyperplasia                Fig. 6: Laparoscopic gonadectomy

          the diagnosis of CAIS was based on gynecological    CONCLUSION
          examination, laparoscopy and the karyotyping.
                                                              AIS should be suspected in cases with primary amenorrhea.
             Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS) is
                                                              Laparoscopic gonadectomy can be performed safely via a
          another category of intersex and is characterized by
                                                              small caliber laparoscopy after puberty with long-term low
          perineoscrotal hypospadiasis, micropenis and bifid scrotum.
                                                              dose hormone therapy because of the increased risk of
          The testis may also be undescended. The most severe form  malignant transformation of the testicles. Attention to
          of PAIS presents as isolated clitromegaly. 7
                                                              psychological consideration in such patient is important to
             Mild androgen insensitivity syndrome (MAIS) as a
                                                              maximize long-term success.
          category of AIS was realized following investigation for
          male factor infertility which suggested defect in the  ACKNOWLEDGMENT
          androgen action leading to oligospermia with normal level  The authors wish to acknowledge Dr Hemalata Ramdoss
          of testosterone and increased life span. 7
                                                              for providing technical assistance.
             Gonadal tissue can be located in the inguinal canal or
          any where in the abdomen-sites that are invisible during  REFERENCES
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