Page 8 - Journal of WALS
P. 8

Aman Nagpal et al

          no clinical biochemical or ultrasonographic evidence of  each other. Incidence of abdominal pain is slightly lower in
          common bile duct (CBD) stones. Exclusion criteria for the  drain group A than in group B except at 6 hours when
          study group were acute pancreatitis, previous abdominal  the incidence is equal in both groups. In both group
          surgery, carcinoma gallbladder, history of peritonitis,  patients experienced maximum pain at 6 hours
          bleeding disorders, cirrhosis and pregnancy. The drain in  postoperatively (3.20 vs 3.85; Table 2). Shoulder tip pain
          group A was removed when the discharge was insignificant.  was lower in group A in first 24 hours postoperatively.
          All the subjects were observed postoperatively till discharge  However, at 48 hours, group A had higher shoulder tip pain
          from hospital for postoperative mortality in the form of pain–  than group B.
          incidence and site of pain, discharge in the drain tube-
          hemorrhagic fluid or bile, duration of postoperative hospital  Postoperative Incidence of Drain Site Pain
          stay, postoperative pain based on visual analog score (VAS  Drain site pain in terms of VAS score was significantly
          score), analgesia requirement, postoperative nausea and  higher in group A at all times. Others  also showed
          vomiting and antiemetic required.                   concurrence with the present study with drain group having
             Data was analyzed using statistical software SPSS  less incidence of abdominal pain (38%) as compared to no
          version 11.1. Mean and standard deviation was calculated  drain group. So the present study is in resonance with above
          for continuous variables like postoperative pain incidence  authors. Reason for higher drain site pain is due to irritant
          and VAS score. Chi-square and t-test was used as test of  effect of drain, as the drain can induce a foreign body
          clinical significance.                              sensation,  whereas group B had no significant pain at this
                                                              site. Regarding intensity of pain, contrary to our findings
          RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                              are shown by others  where author showed higher abdominal
          Data of 40 patients was included and analyzed in the study.  pain at 23 hours in no drain group (2.24 vs 2.46) and beyond
          Average age of the patients in present study was 36.25 years  23 hours (1.70 vs 1.86; Table 3).
          in drain group and 37.90 years in no drain group. Male:
          female ratio in both the groups in our study was 1:3.5 and  Mean Pain Score at Different Sites in Study Groups
          1:4 and overall ratio of the study was 1:3 which is compa-  Overall mean pain score was higher in group A than in
          rative with literature having male:female ratio of 1:3. 5,6  group B (Graph 1).

          Intraoperative Comparison of Two Groups             Comparison of Postoperative Analgesic
                                                              Requirement and Patients Required Antiemetics
          Intraoperative Time in the Study Groups
                                                              Comparison of postoperative analgesic requirement showed
          Mean operative time in groups A and B was 93 and    higher usage in group B than in group A but it was not
          86 minutes respectively. Others  reported that average  statistically significant. Postoperative incidence of nausea/
          operative time in group A was 33 minutes whereas average  vomiting in group B was significantly higher than in
          operative time in group B was 30 minutes. The difference  group A up to 24 hours. Antiemetic requirement was
          in the operating time depends on the experience of the  significantly higher in group B than in group A at all times
          surgeon. Although the mean operative time is more but  (Table 4). In our study although incidence of abdominal
          difference in time taken between both groups is comparable  and shoulder tip pain was less in drain group, but this
          which is supported by previous studies.             difference was not statistically significant. Moreover, drain
                                                              site pain was statistically more in drain group. So there was
          Intraoperative Complications in the Study Groups
                                                              no clear cut benefit in reducing postoperative pain in
          Gallbladder rupture was most common complication    laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
          encountered in both the groups (Table 1).
                                                                 Table 1: Intraoperative complications in the study groups
          Postoperative Comparison of Two Groups               Intraoperative complications  Group A(%)  Group B(%)

          Postoperative Incidence and VAS Score of             Gallbladder rupture         7 (35)      5 (25)
          Pain Abdomen in Patients of Two Groups               Cystic artery hemorrhage    2 (10)      0 (0)
                                                                                                       0 (0)
                                                               CBD injury
                                                                                           1 (5)
                                                               Gastric perforation         1 (5)       0 (0)
          At 12th postoperative hour, 90% of patients of group A and
          95% of patients of group B had pain when compared with  Total                    11           5
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