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                      Drainage in Cholecystectomy: Required or Not? A Comparative Randomized Study in Northern Indian Subjects

                          Table 2: Postoperative incidence and VAS score of pain abdomen in patients of two groups
                         Incidence of pain abdomen                         VAS score of pain abdomen
             Time (hrs)  Group A (%)  Group B (%)  p-value       Group A              Group B           p-value
                                                              Mean     Standard    Mean      Standard
                                                                        deviation            deviation
               0          5 (25)       7 (35)       0.490      0.55      0.99       1.6       2.30      0.069
               6         10 (50)      10 (50)       1.00       3.2       3.39       3.85      3.97      0.582
               12        18 (90)      19 (95)       0.548      2.35      1.08       2.70      1.12      0.325
               24        13 (65)      14 (70)       0.735      1.3       1.17       0.85      0.74      0.156
               48         3 (15)       4 (20)       0.677      0.30      0.73       0.20      0.41      0.597

                              Table 3: Postoperative incidence of drain site pain (right anterior axillary port site)
                         Incidence of drain site pain                       VAS score of drain site pain
            Time (hrs)  Group A (%)  Group B (%)  p-value        Group A              Group B          p-value
                                                              Mean     Standard    Mean     Standard
                                                                       deviation            deviation
               0         11 (55)     14 (70)      0.002       0.80      0.95       0.15       0.48      0.01
               6         14 (70)      3 (15)      0.000       1.55      1.60       0.20       0.52      0.001
               12        12 (60)      2 (10)      0.000       1.40      1.50       0.10       0.30      0.001
               24         9 (45)       0 (0)      0.000       0.60      0.75       0.00       0.00      0.001
               48         4 (20)       0 (0)      0.035       0.30      0.65       0.00       0.00      0.048

                     Table 4: Number of patients given analgesics at different point of time and patients required antiemetics
                                   Patients given analgesics                 Patients required antiemetics
            Time (hrs)  Group A (%)     Group B (%)      p-value     Group A (%)    Group B (%)      p-value
               0          16 (80)         18 (90)         0.381        10 (50)        17 (85)         0.019
               6          13 (65)         16 (80)         0.294         7 (35)        14 (70)         0.028
               12         10 (50)         12 (60)         0.53          5 (25)        12 (60)         0.027
               24          4 (20)          5 (25)         0.708         1 (5)          8 (40)         0.008
               48          2 (10)          3 (15)         0.636         0 (0)          4 (20)         0.037

                                                              the overall stay. Others  showed equal stay in both groups.
                                                              This difference is due to the fact that none of the patient in
                                                              the drain group could be discharged before removal of the
                                                              drain, thus increasing overall hospital stay and moreover


                                                              To conclude use of drains in laparoscopic cholecystectomy
                                                              has not much to offer; in the contrary it can be associated
                                                              with increased pain. We find no significant advantage of
                                                              using drain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy, therefore,
            Graph 1: Mean pain score at different sites in study groups,  its routine use cannot be recommended as a means to reduce
                   group A (gray bar) and group B (black bar)  nausea/vomiting as there is higher incidence of postoperative
                                                              pain and longer duration of hospital stay with its use.
          Comparison of Postoperative Stay in Hospital in     However, in a select group of patients it can be justifiable
          Both the Groups                                     to leave a drain where there is a fear of unsolved or potential

          Mean hospital stay was 5.75 and 3.65 days in groups A and  bile leak, i.e. imperfect closure of cystic duct or bile staining
          B respectively, i.e. higher in group A than in group B.  in the lavage fluid or gallbladder bed suggesting the
          Probably this was due to the reason that none of the patient  possibility that an accessory duct has been missed.
          could be discharged before removal of drain thus increasing  Simultaneously while putting the drain one need to bear in
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2012;5(2):63-66                                 65
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