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           ORIGINAL RESEARCH              Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair in Patients with Child C Cirrhosis: Our Experience
          Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair in Patients with

          Child C Cirrhosis: Our Experience

          Bharati V Hiremath, Nitin Rao, Bharathi Raja

          ABSTRACT                                            to the umbilicus via portosystemic venous communication. 6
                                                              The incidence of ventral hernias in cirrhotic patients with
          Cirrhosis with refractory ascites was considered a
          contraindication to laparoscopic surgery,  until recently.  tense ascites is around 20%. 7
          However, current literature has shown the efficacy and safety  Studies have shown that open repair of ventral hernias
          of various laparoscopic procedures in the diagnosis and  in these patients is associated with a high rate of recurrence
          management of surgical conditions in cirrhotic patients. The
          incidence of ventral hernias in cirrhotic patients with tense ascites  in the era of only suture repair. However, in the present era
          is high. It is well known that open hernia repair in patients with  of prosthetic mesh though the recurrence rate has decreased
          ascites is associated with high morbidity and mortality due to  the rate of wound complications still remains high. 6
          ascitic leak from wound site, wound infection and high recurrence  Hence, the routine repair of these hernias is usually
          rate.  In view of high complication rate for surgical repair in
          these patients most surgeons defer elective repair of hernias in  avoided due to the dreaded complications such as
          these patients. But, left alone ventral hernias in such patients  postoperative ascitic fluid leak, wound infection and
          may undergo complications, such as rupture, obstruction,  subsequently high recurrence rate. But when these patients
          strangulation, which are life-threatening. Hence, elective surgical  present with complications, such as obstruction or imminent
          repair of ventral hernias in these patients should be considered.
          Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair in these patients helps to  rupture surgery become inevitable and the rate of
          overcome the complications and allows earlier recovery. There  postoperative complications in such situations remains very
          have been very few studies to evaluate the efficacy of  high.
          laparoscopic ventral hernia repair in patients with child A  In order to overcome these complications, we subjected
          cirrhosis. However, there is no literature on efficacy of this
          procedure in child C cirrhotic patients. This is a retrospective  these patients to intraperitoneal laparoscopic hernia repair
          study to evaluate the efficacy of laparoscopic repair using a  with the use of a dual mesh.
          dual mesh in child C cirrhotic patients with tense ascites and  The advantages of this procedure are as follows:
          complicated ventral hernias.
                                                              •  Not extending the existing defect in the fascia as is
          Keywords: Laparoscopic ventral hernia, Cirrhosis, Mesh repair.  required in the open repair.
          How to cite this article:  Hiremath BV, Rao  N, Raja  B.  •  The use of intraperitoneal dual mesh prevents leakage
          Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair in Patients with Child C  of ascitic fluid.
          Cirrhosis: Our Experience. World J Lap Surg 2012;5(2):59-62.  •  The large collateral veins over the anterior abdominal
          Source of support: Nil                                 wall in these patients are not interrupted.
                                                              •  Prevention of exposure of viscera prevents losses of
          Conflict of interest: None declared
                                                                 electrolytes and proteins.
          INTRODUCTION                                        •  There is minimal intraoperative blood loss.
          Cirrhosis is a chronic progressive condition which is  PATIENTS AND METHODS
          characterized by fibrosis and the replacement of normal  Retrospective analysis was done in three patients, two with
          hepatic architecture by abnormal nodules.  The physiologic  ascites due to cirrhotic liver disease (child C) and in one
          and metabolic changes in these cirrhotic patients lead to  patient with Budd-Chiari syndrome. Patients who were
          coagulation defects, fluid retention, poor resistance to  included were those with tense ascitis and symptomatic
          infections, hypoproteinemia, poor wound healing which in  hernias which required surgical intervention (Fig. 1).
          turn lead to increased perioperative morbidity and mortality.  These patients had symptoms in the form of pain,
          Though several indices have been proposed for estimating  obstruction, large hernia with skin excoriation with
          the risk in cirrhotic patients the child classification modified  imminent rupture (Fig. 2).
          by Pugh et al is the most widely accepted and commonly
          used in practice. 5                                 Technique
             The incidence of ventral hernia is high in patients with  Preoperatively the patients were optimized with:
          cirrhosis due to weak abdominal musculature and raised  1. Mannitol infusion
          intra-abdominal pressure due to ascites. Umbilical hernias  2. Correction of prothrombin time with vitamin K and fresh
          are more common due to transmission of additional pressure  frozen plasma.
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2012;5(2):59-62                                 59
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