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Bharati V Hiremath et al

             All patients were optimized preoperatively with mannitol  previous studies for similar situation. However, unlike these
          and correction of coagulation defects.              studies which were in patients with child A cirrhosis our
             Ascitic leak was overcome by the use of a dual mesh.  patients were those with child C cirrhosis. To the best of
          It is a soft polypropylene mesh encapsulated with   our knowledge, this is the first study reported for patients
          polydiaxone (PDS)  and oxidized regenerated cellulose  with child’s cirrhosis.
          (ORC) which is a plant material and helps to minimize tissue  Though we selected only patients with complicated
          attachment. The absorbable PDS creates a flexible and  hernias, our results encourage us to advocate this procedure
          secure bond between the mesh and the ORC layers. This  for prophylactic repair of ventral hernias in all cirrhotic
          helps to effectively separate the mesh from the underlying  patients with tense ascites.
          viscera. It also has the added advantage of not harboring
          bacteria and reduces the chances of mesh infection to  REFERENCES
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          formation. This patient was on oral anticoagulants which  2008;103(2):175-79.
          was stopped and converted to intravenous heparin in the
          preoperative, intraoperative and 24 hours postoperative  ABOUT THE AUTHORS
          period. The hematoma was evacuated and the wound was  Bharati V Hiremath
          dressed with a Botroclot (aqueous solution of hemoco-
          agulase isolated from Bothrops atrox) soaked dressing.  Professor, Department of General Surgery, MS Ramaiah Hospital
                                                              Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
          There was no further recurrence of hematoma. One patient
          had a seroma in the region of the umbilicus which was  Nitin Rao
          managed conservatively.
                                                              Associate Professor, Gastroenterologist, Department of Surgical
                                                              Gastroenterology, MS Ramaiah Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
          Our study has shown that laparoscopic repair of ventral  Bharathi Raja
          hernia in cirrhotic patients with tense ascites is technically  Postgraduate Student (Final Year), Department of General Surgery
          feasible and safe. Our study is comparable with the two  MS Ramaiah Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

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