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                                 Vaginal Cuff Dehiscence after Minimal Invasive Hysterectomy: Laparoscopic Surgical Techniques

             The safety and effectiveness of barded sutures, in closure  electrosurgery, which may yield thermal damage at the cuff
          of the vaginal cuff, has already been demonstrated in two  site, weakening the tissue and increasing the risk of
          studies. 16,22  However, one was noncomparative and, in the  dehiscence. 8
          other, a more time-consuming double-layer suturing method  It is known that monopolar energy in the coagulation
          was used. In both, the use of this suture reduced the  mode, is frequently used, for the colpotomy in THL.
          incidence of the VCD. Furthermore, the barbed suture  Coagulation mode is an interrupted, high-voltage current
          proved to be relatively easy to learn dehiscence while not  dispersed over a large surface area, while cutting mode is a
          increasing the rate of postoperative bleeding, cuff cellulitis  continuous, low-voltage current concentrating the energy
          or granulation tissue. Some concern is expressed regarding  in a small area, resulting in more rapid tissue heating and
          adhesion formation of the intestine to the tail of the barbed  less thermal spread. Coagulation mode may result in more
          suture, which in turn potentially could cause bowel  tissue damage, although is better at sealing vessels in
          obstruction. 23                                     vascular areas like the vaginal cuff. 8
                                                                 A recent study, conducted in swines, analyzed energy-
          Suture Material
                                                              induced damage (ultrasonic, monopolar and bipolar), to the
          Several studies did address the type and class of suture  vagina during laparoscopic hysterectomy, using the distal
          material as a possible cause for VCD. 3,24,25  Up-to-date review  scalpel-cut margin was used as reference. All energy sources
          suggests the use of a delayed absorbable monofilament  demonstrated tissue damage, with ultrasonic showing the
          suture [e.g. polydioxanone (PDS II™)]: Preferred for the  least and bipolar the greatest. 27
          theoretical advantage of lower infectious risks. 7     Further study of tissue damage relative to cuff closure
             However, there is neither data demonstrating evidence  at laparoscopic hysterectomy is warranted, as also its
          nor consensus on the preferred suture material, concerning  possible association with vaginal dehiscence.
          monofilament vs multifilament and delayed absorbability of
          the thread.                                         CONCLUSION
             According to the data, there is no superiority of one of  VCD is a potentially severe adverse event and is still a matter
          the suturing method over the others.                of concern to those who perform minimal invasive
                                                              hysterectomy. Its exact etiology remains unclear.
                                                                 Data on additional risk factors for cuff dehiscence are
          Some authors state that electrosurgical colpotomy,  limited and conflicting.  Although one study reported no
          often used in TLH, is responsible for suboptimal vaginal  difference in age, tobacco use or diabetes mellitus between
          cuff healing, due to tissue necrosis and prolonged  women with and without cuff dehiscence, it likely was
          devascularization. 14,25-27                         underpowered to detect a clinically meaningful difference. 28
             Colpotomy technique may account for the observed  Although it seems biologically plausible that any condition
          increased risk of VCD associated with TLH as compared  that could compromise wound healing would increase the
          with TVH and TAH. In the latter procedures, the colpotomy  risk of VCD, the data on such risk factors are sparse. The
          is often made sharply using heavy scissors or a knife.  inconsistency of the reporting of risk factors in studies and
          However, during TLH, the colpotomy is often made using  case reports, the rarity of the VCD, and the lack of
                                                              comparison of risk factors between women with and without
                                                              dehiscence in most retrospective studies makes it impossible
                                                              to assess the significance of each of these potential risk
                                                                 Some questions remain are as follows:
                                                              1. If in the abdominal hysterectomy, VCD is not increased
                                                                 in patients who had an unclosed cuff closure technique,
                                                                 why would be the suture method, the cause of this
                                                                 complication in the laparoscopic procedure?
                                                              2. If electrosurgical colpotomy, overused in laparoscopic
                                                                 hysterectomy, is the cause of damage and wound
                                                                 healing complications, why these exist a superiority
                                                                 of transvaginal closure compared with laparoscopic
             Fig. 1: Bidirectional barbed suture with barbs that change  closure (concerning VCD), in the same electrosurgical
                          direction in the middle 17             damaged tissues?
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2013;6(2):81-85                                 83
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