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          Vinayak Mishra
          Comparative Study between Harmonic Scalpel and

          LigaSure Vessel Sealing System: In Open and

          Laparoscopic Surgery

          Vinayak Mishra

          ABSTRACT                                            low voltage that of 180 V as compared to conventional
                                                              electrosurgery. Its unique combination of pressure energy
          Background: Energy sources have been an important part of  causes fusion of vessels. The fusion is because of melted
          surgery in achieving hemostasis and bloodless field to operate.
          Nowadays the most recent and commonly used are the  collagen and elastin in the vessels which forms a permanent,
          bipolar vessel sealing system (LigaSure) and the harmonic  plastic like seal. LVSS has a unique property of active tissue
          scalpel (HS).                                       response which is a feedback from tissue that controls the
          Purpose: To do a comparative review between the LigaSure  energy delivery and automatically discontinues it when the
          vessel sealing system and harmonic scalpel to make surgery  seal cycle completes. This eliminates the guesswork of
          faster, safer and better.
                                                              operating surgeon and provides minimal lateral thermal
          Materials and methods: The literature regarding this review  damage to approximately 2 mm. There is no sticking of the
          article was searched online on various websites like Google,
          PubMed, World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgeons, YouTube.  instruments on tissues with least charring of the tissues.
          Search words used were LigaSure  vs harmonic scalpel,  The seal withstands thrice of normal systolic blood pressure.
          LigaSure vessel sealing system, role of vessel sealer and HS  The LVSS generator detects the characteristic of the tissue
          in laparoscopic surgery.
                                                              in the jaws of the instruments and delivers energy
          Conclusion: LigaSure vessel sealing system (LVSS) proves  accordingly to provide a permanent seal. LVSS promises
          to have a hand above the HS as it depends of the surgeon’s
          convenience to use which of the energy sources when it comes  to provide a secure seal of blood vessels measuring up to 7
          to handling and maneuverability during surgery resulting in an  mm in diameter. Various probes both for laparoscopic and
          overall faster, safer and a bloodless experience.   open surgeries are available which are compatible to this
          Keywords: LigaSure vs harmonic scalpel, LigaSure vessel  electrosurgical generator.
          sealing system, Role of vessel sealer and harmonic scalpel in  Harmonic scalpel (HS) is manufactured and marketed
          laparoscopic surgery.
                                                              by Ethicon across the globe. It uses ultrasonic energy as
          How to cite this article: Mishra V. Comparative Study between
          Harmonic Scalpel and LigaSure Vessel Sealing System: In Open  its principle and, hence, dissection by ultrasonic probes is
          and Laparoscopic Surgery. World J Laparosc Surg 2013;6(2):  called ultracision. The HS is a high power system which
          74-76.                                              works at a frequency of 55.5 kHz or 55,500 vibrations/sec.
          Source of support: Nil                              It comprises of a generator, blade and a hand piece. The
          Conflict of interest: None declared                 hand piece has an ultrasonic transducer which consists of
                                                              stacked piezoelectric crystals sandwiched under pressure
          INTRODUCTION                                        among metal cylinders. The sealing of the vessels is
                                                              achieved due to denatured protein coagulum which occurs
          Energy sources have been an important part of surgery in
          achieving hemostasis and bloodless field to operate. The  due to tamponade and coaptation. The ultrasonic generator
          energy sources are required to cut, coagulate, desiccate,  converts ultrasonic energy into mechanical energy. HS
          dissect and evaporate tissue. There have been tremendous  mainly has three compatible probes both for open and
          upgrades in the technology used in energy sources which  laparoscopic surgery that are the shear, blade and a hook.
          targets on better, faster and safe hemostasis with minimal  The shear has opposite silicon padding which the blade
          lateral thermal spread or damage. Lateral thermal damage  and hook lacks. The shear can coagulate vessels up to 5
          confers to the damage to the tissues just adjacent to the  mm, whereas the hook and blade only 2 mm in diameter.
          target site. Nowadays, the two most used energy sources  The HS probes reach the temperature of 80ºC and even on
          used are the LigaSure vessel sealing system (LVSS) (Fig. 1)  prolonged use stays below 250ºC which is far less than
          and the harmonic scalpel (HS) (Fig. 2).             other electrosurgical and laser energy sources resulting
             LVSS manufactured by Covidien under the brand name  in reduced lateral thermal spread and charring. Vibration
          of Valleylab is a bipolar apparatus for sealing vascular  of the active probe prevents sticking of coagulated tissue
          tissues. It seals tissue by administration of high current and  over it.
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