Page 23 - Peer Reviewed Laparoscopic Jornal
P. 23

Raquel Maciel, Tânia Freitas

          Different from total vaginal hysterectomy and total  revealed no statistically significant difference between the
          abdominal hysterectomy for TLHs:                    two suture methods (incidence of VCD: 1.2%).
          1. Use of energy sources to make the vaginal colpotomy  Several methods are described for laparoscopic intra-
             may result in tissue destruction beyond the incision,  abdominal cuff closure. Interrupted or continuous sutures
             potentially increasing tissue necrosis and leading to poor  may be tied intracorporeally with a needle driver and grasper
             healing of the vaginal cuff compared with a sharp  or extracorporeally with a knot pusher. 15
             colpotomy that is made using a scalpel or scissors.
             Different electrosurgical instruments (e.g. bipolar and  TEM Clips
             monopolar devices) or ultrasonic devices produce  Another method already adopted, off label, in the vaginal
             varying amounts of tissue destruction.           cuff closure, is a suturing technique commonly used in
          2. Laparoscopic magnification of the surgical field may  transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM).
             distort the view and cause the surgeon to place sutures  In this technique, a regular Vicryl no. 0 with a suture
             too close to the vaginal cuff edge (<1 cm) or not achieve  staple placed at the distal end of the wire is sutured from
             full thickness closure.                          the right to the left angle of the vaginal cuff, after which
          3. Laparoscopic suturing to close the vaginal cuff requires  another suture staple is placed at the proximal end to secure
             advanced training to achieve secure knots via extra-  the suture (suture clip forceps for TEM, Richard Wolf
             corporeal or intracorporeal techniques. Inappropriate use  GmbH, Knittlingen, Germany). In all suturing methods, both
             of the laparoscopic knot pusher or poor intracorporeal  uterosacral ligaments are incorporated in the repair, and the
             knot tying technique may compromise suture integrity.  peritoneum is unclosed.
                Recently, several studies compared the influence of  This way, cuff closure using a running vicryl suture with
             various vaginal vault closure techniques on the incidence  TEM clips, is a newly appointed alternative to other suturing
             of VCD after TLH. Internationally, the etiology of VCD  techniques currently in use. Although it is an easy method
             is still a matter of concern. Either in its technique (TLH)  to adopt, based on data, no statistical superiority of this
             as in the used technology (electrosurgical colpotomy  suturing procedure could be proven. 13
             and/or suturing method), an explanation could be found
             for the higher incidence of VCD.  Preventive measures  Barbed Suture
             to minimize the risk of VCD after hysterectomy are  Barbed suture is a relatively recent concept in gynecologic
             uncertain since the causes are not well-established. 7  surgery. The Quill SRS bidirectional barbed suture
             This study aims to review laparoscopic surgical  (Angiotech Pharmaceuticals, Inc Vancouver BC, Canada)
          tecnhiques in the minimal invasive hysterectomy and its  was FDA approved for soft tissue approximation in 2004 16
          association with VCD.                               and has been commercially available in the United States
             A literature review was performed using PubMed,  since 2007.
          Medscape reference, HighWire Press and Up-to-date. The  Bidirectional barbed sutures are created by cutting barbs
          search was conducted using the keywords ‘laparoscopic  into the suture with the barbs facing in an opposite direction
          vaginal vault dehiscence’, ‘laparoscopic vaginal cuff closure  to the needle. The barbs change direction at the midpoint of
          techniques’, ‘vaginal cuff laparoscopic suture methods’ and  the suture  (Fig. 1) and needles are swaged onto both ends
          ‘electrosurgery laparoscopic hysterectomy’.         of the suture. Due to its decreased effective diameter, the
             Fifty-eight citations were found. Among these studies,  straight-pull tensile strength of barbed suture is rated one
          a second selection of articles was performed according the  suture size greater than smooth suture (e.g. A 0 barbed suture
          purpose of this review. The selected papers were also  equals a 2-0 smooth suture).
          screened for further references. At the end of the process,  The anchoring of bidirectional barbed suture resists
          29 articles were reviewed.                          migration and can be conceptualized as a ‘continuous
                                                              interrupted’ suture without knots and has been shown to
                                                              have at least equal tissue holding performance as comparable
          Interrupted vs Running Sutures with Knot            knot anchored suture has. 18,19  This offers several advantages.
          Although techniques for suturing of the vaginal cuff have  Since, bidirectional barbed sutures self anchor and are
          changed rapidly over the past years, only one prospective  balanced by the countervailing barbs, no knots are required.
          study on this subject has been published.  This study  Furthermore, barbed suture self anchors at every 1 mm of
          compared laparoscopic closure with interrupted and running  tissue, yielding more consistent wound opposition. Finally,
          sutures, however, with a double-layer suturing method and  knotless barbed suture can securely reapproximate tissues
          with an extracorporeal knotting technique. The study  with less time, cost and aggravation. 20,21
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