Page 21 - Peer Reviewed Laparoscopic Jornal
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Vinayak Mishra

             Two cohort studies comparing a bipolar vessel sealer  blood loss: 115 vs 370, 150 vs 455 and 185 vs 495 ml for
          (BVS) with the ultrasonic coagulating shears (UCS) for  RC, LC and LAR between the EBVS LigaSure group and
          laparoscopic colectomy reported a slightly reduced length  the UCS harmonic scalpel group respectively. 6,7
          of surgery and decreased blood loss in the BVS groups. 6
          One of these studies included 30 patients with colon cancer  CONCLUSION
          who underwent laparoscopic transverse colectomy and  After reviewing the above articles, we found that LVSS as
          sigmoidectomy using either the electrothermal bipolar vessel  compared to HS, LVSS provides a better, safer and much
          sealer (EBVS) (LigaSure) or UCS (harmonic scalpel). The  secure seal than HS that is up to 7 mm. The postoperative
          EBVS and the UCS were used for the mesocolon dissection
          in the transverse and sigmoid colon. The incidence of  pain, when used in open surgery, is less as compared to HS.
          rebleeding was significantly lower in the EBVS group than  Even blood loss was comparatively less while using LVSS
          in the UCS group for both surgical procedures (0.3 vs 1.2  than HS. HS made the surgery faster with low smoke
          in transverse colectomy, 0.3  vs 2.0 in sigmoidectomy  production as compared to LVSS. Lateral thermal spread
          respectively). The required time for mesocolon dissection  of HS is quite less as compared to LVSS but LVSS as
          was also significantly shorter when the EBVS was used in  compared to other electrosurgical generators was quite less.
          both laparoscopic transverse colectomy and sigmoidectomy  At the end though LVSS proves to have a hand above the
          (7.9 vs 18.4, 15.0 vs 27.6 respectively). Another report  HS, it depends of the surgeon’s convenience to use which
          demonstrated the outcome of 200 consecutive unselected  of the energy sources when it comes to handling and
          patients who underwent laparoscopic colorectal resections,  maneuverability during surgery resulting in an overall faster,
          of which 100 were performed with EBVS (LigaSure) and  safer and a bloodless experience.
          100 with UCS (harmonic scalpel).  Only right colectomy
          (RC), left colectomy (LC) and low anterior resections (LAR)  REFERENCES
          were performed during this study. There were no deaths in  1. Kwok SY, et al. A double-blind, randomized trial comparing
          either group. One conversion to open surgery and two major  LigaSure and harmonic scalpel hemorrhoidectomy. Dis Colon
          complications occurred in the UCS harmonic scalpel group.  Rectum 2005 Feb;48(2):344-348.
          There were no differences in the mean length of surgery  2. Smith R, Pasic R. The role of vessel sealing technologies in
                                                                  laparoscopic surgery. Surg Technol Int 2008;17:208-212.
          (111 vs 133, 140 vs 176 and 153 vs 201 minutes) or in the  3. Cakan A, Yoldas B, Samancilar O, et al. LigaSure vessel sealing
          mean postoperative hospital stay (5.2 vs 6.1, 6.5 vs 7.1 and  system versus harmonic scalpel for sutureless nonanatomical
          6.8 vs 7.3 days) for RC, LC and LAR between EBVS        pulmonary resections in a rabbit model. Which one is safer?
          LigaSure group and UCS harmonic scalpel group           Eur Surg Res 2009;43(1):24-28.
          respectively. There were, however, differences in the mean  4. Zarebczan B, Mohanty D, Chen H. A comparison of the
                                                                  LigaSure and harmonic scalpel in thyroid surgery: a single
                                                                  institution review. Ann Surg Oncol 2011 Jan;18(1):214-218.
                                                               5. RandDMagazine. Available from:
                                                                  watch?v=TtEZtvUBMdU. On Jun 17, 2009.
                                                               6. Takada M, Ichihara T, Kuroda Y. Comparative study of electro-
                                                                  thermal bipolar vessel sealer and ultrasonic coagulating shears
                                                                  in laparoscopic colectomy. Surg Endosc 2005;19(7):226-228.
                                                               7. Campagnacci R, de Sanctis A, Baldarelli M, Rimini M,
                                                                  Lezoche G, Guerrieri M. Electrothermal bipolar vessel sealing
                                                                  device vs ultrasonic coagulating shears in laparoscopic
                                                                  colectomies: a comparative study. Surg Endosc 2007 Sep;21(9):

                                                              ABOUT THE AUTHOR

                                                              Vinayak Mishra
                                                              Laparoscopic Surgeon, Department of Minimal Access Surgery
           Fig. 3: Screenshots taken from infrared recordings of probes of  Hanumant Endosurgery Center, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, Phone:
                         HS and LVSS respectively             8853042226, e-mail:

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