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          Njem Josiah Miner, RK Mishra                                          10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1249
          retrOSpective Study

          A Comparative Study of Single Incision vs Conventional

          Four Incision Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy:
          A Single Center Experience

          1 Njem Josiah Miner,  RK Mishra

          ABSTRACT                                            as a surgical technique is, however, feasible and promising for
                                                              treatment of symptomatic cholelithiasis.
          Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has traditionally been per-
          formed using multiple small incisions. Single incision laparo-  Keywords: Analgesic, Four incision laparoscopic cholecystec-
          scopic cholecystectomy (SILC) has emerged as an alternative   tomy, Hospital stay, Single incision laparoscopic cholecys-
          technique to improve cosmesis and minimize complications   tectomy.
          associated with multiple incisions. This study compared SILC   How to cite this article: miner NJ, mishra RK. A Comparative
          with conventional four incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy.  Study of Single Incision vs Conventional Four Incision Laparo-
          Materials and methods: One hundred and twenty-one patients   s copic Cholecystectomy: A Single Center Experience. World J
          had laparoscopic cholecystectomy at the institute of minimal   Lap Surg 2015;8(2):62-67.
          access, metabolic and bariatric surgery, Sir Ganga Ram    Source of support: Nil
          Hospital, New Delhi, between January 2013 and October 2014.
          A total of 61 (50.4%) had conventional four port laparoscopic   Conflict of interest: None
          cholecystectomy (4PLC), while 60 (49.6%) had SILC. Indica-
          tions for the operation were similar for the two groups. Excluded   INTRoduCTIoN
          were patients who were operated for malignant gallbladder
          disease, patients with mirizzi syndrome, patients with gall-  Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) has become one of the
          bla dder perforation and patients who were in American Society   most effective procedures for the treatment of gallbladder
          of Anesthesiologists (ASA) 1V and V.
                                                              pathology.  This technique has induced tremendous
          Primary end points: Analgesic requirements, Complications   revolution in the surgery of biliary sytem, mainly due
          and hospital visits, Length of hospital stay.
                                                              to improved results compared to the open technique
          Results: The average length of hospital stay including in-patient   and its cosmetic advantages has further endeared in the
          and out-patient surgeries was 23.93 ± 9.8, range 4 to 48 hours      1,2
          for those who had SILC and 30.07 ± 16, range 8 to 72 hours   heart of surgeons.  Since, the first LC by Muhe et al in
          for patients who underwent 4PLC. Patients in both groups had   1985, conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomy (CLC)
          either paracetamol or a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug  has become the gold standard for treating gallbladder
          (NSAID) as postoperative analgesic. Only one (1.7%) patient   disease. 1,3,4,9,12,13  Conventional laparos copic cholecystec­
          who had SILC required an NSAID for postoperative analgesia,   tomy is a safe established procedure and traditionally it
          while 59 (98.3%) had postoperative pain relieve using only
          paracetamol. Four (6.6%) of patients who had 4PLC required   is performed through three to four small incisions. 4,5,9,11
          an NSAID for postoperative analgesia, while 57 (93.4%) had  It is the commonest operation performed laparoscopi­
          only paracetamol for postoperative analgesia.       cally worldwide.
          Conclusion:  Single  incision  laparoscopic  cholecystec-     A trend toward even more minimally invasive app­
          tomy  appears  to  offer  prospects  for  shorter  hospital  stay   roaches has, however, led to techniques of single incision
          and early return to work compared to conventional 4PCL.   and natural orifices transluminal endoscopic surgery
          Patients  undergoing  either  SILC or  4PLC appear  to  have
          similar analgesic requirement. Extrapolating this to pain   (NOTES). 1,2,4,4,9  The first published report of single inci­
          difference between the two surgical techniques, however,  sion laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SILC) was by Navarra

          requires caution. Single incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy   in 1997 and since that time the idea of ‘scarless’ surgery
                                                              has gained increasing popularity among patients as well
                                                              as surgeons. 1,4,6  Single incision laparoscopic cholecys­
            1 Senior Registrar,  Director, Professor and Senior Consultant  tectomy is indeed a rapidly evolving technique that is
            1 Department of Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery Unit, JOS   complimenting CLC in selected fields and patients.  It is
            University Teaching Hospital, JOS, Nigeria        now considered by many as a bridge between traditional
            2 Department of minimal Access Surgery, World Laparoscopy   cholecystectomy and NOTES. 2,4,5  Single incision laparo­
            Hospital, Gurgaon, Haryana, India                 scopic cholecystectomy utilizes three ports through a
            Corresponding Author: Njem Josiah miner, Senior Registrar   single skin incision at the umbilicus and is being consi­
            Department of Surgery, Cardiothoracic Unit, JOS University   dered as a ‘no scar’ surgery because the incision is placed
            Teaching, PmB 2076, JOS, Nigeria, e-mail:
                                                              within the umbilical scar.  It has gained increasing
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