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Khaled Al-yaqout et al
          and showed five reports proposing umbilical herniation  factor is that the surgeons are familiar with SSILA, a third
          as secondary to infection at this site.  In the other hand,  possibility is that many of these studies has excluded
          varying depth the umbilicus is thought to result in a  complicated cases, except for Ze Zhange et al,  but he also
          higher local wound complication rate.  A descriptive  achieved equal results even after including the compli-
          study published in 2013, it included 570 patients. They  cated cases. Drain placement is subjected to the surgeons
          analyzed port-site complications, and concluded that  preference, and, the intra­abdominal findings. The high
          the umbilical port is the most common site (47% of port-  percentage of drains used is due to a liberal use of drains
          site complications). The complications ranged from PSI,  by Alvarez in his study. A total of 13 drains were placed
          bleeding, herniation, omental entrapment and port-site  in 15 individuals in his study. We could not conclude if
          metastasis.  S Ghata et al in a prospective study on 100  pain in SSILA is better than an umbilical approach, this
          patients assessing wound complication, they have found  is mainly due to the lack of evidence on this topic. Only
          that most PSI is at the umbilicus, along with subcutane-  one author used VAS and the sample was too small to
          ous emphysema and port-site hernia.  One hundred and  come up with a conclusion. Authors claim that cosmetic
          fifty patients were studied in an randomized clinical  outcome is better. Hypothetically, we can assume that the
          trial conducted by P Bucher et al, it showed similar rates  presence of the incision in the pubic area will be invisible,
          of seroma and hematoma in both umbilical and other  even if complications, such as infection arises in such an
          ports (3%), in conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomy,  area, the concern regarding it final outcome will not be
          he has also shown a 0% hernial rate, yet his study lacks  as if it was at the umbilicus, but as from the evidence
          long-term follow-up in regards to hernia, showed no  available, one author has presented an objective cosmetic
          blinding or concealment and suffers selection bias in our  assessment.  Hence, we can only base our conclusion
          opinion. Although no infection was reported one can  hypothetically supported by the subjective opinion of
          predict that hematoma/seroma can predispose to wound  the SSILA authors that we can achieve a better cosmetic
          infection.  No level one evidence is present to support  outcome with such an approach. The follow-up duration
          a suprapubic SILS. This paper aims not to establish SILS  was too short in some studies to evaluate complications,
          as a gold standard management of AA, but to describe  such as herniation, we are hoping that the upcoming
          an alternative to the commonly used access site, in order  RCTs will give a better answer, yet assuming that the
          to decrease the complication rate associated with it as  infection rate is lower we can hypothesis that we will
          described previously, and hence to get more acceptance,  have a lower rate of hernia formation.
          to motivate the conduction of RCTs regarding this topic.
          Suprapubic single-incision laparoscopic appendectomy  ConCLuSion
          (SSILA) is relatively new, it was first proposed in 2005.   Finding a different access site in AA might decrease the
          Hence, we would have come to a better conclusion if   rate of port-site complications, and hence the morbidity
          sufficient sample sizes were available to achieve power.
          Another issue is the lack of RCTs, but we are looking for-  associated with it, the suprapubic incision is an appea-
          ward to see the results of Ze Zhang et al upcoming RCT,   ling alternative, with lack of strong evidence to support
          which will aid in determining the fate of SSILA. With the   it. The available evidence supports its use, but more RCTs
                                                              have to be conducted to give a better decision on such
          available evidence we can conclude that, using the com-
          mercially available SILS ports, the operative time may be   an approach.
          shorter. The mean operative time presented in our paper
          reflects mostly the work presented by one institute, 7,11    ReFeRenCeS
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