Page 26 - Laparoscopic Journal - WJOLS
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Khaled Al-yaqout et al
          keywords in every possible combination ‘wound’ ‘lapa-  A systematic research revealed 46 articles, the search was
          roscopic’ ‘single’ ‘port’ ‘access’ ‘complications’ ‘infection’  restricted to adults (age ≥ 19 years), and studies conducted
          ‘SILS’ ‘LESS’ ‘incision’ ‘appendectomy’ ‘site’ ‘suprapubic’  in the past 5 years only. We have initially restricted the
          ‘SPL’ ‘single port appendectomy (SPA)’ ‘one port umbilical  search to RCTs but were not able to obtain any results
          surgery (OPUS)’ ‘natural orifice transumbilical surgery  matching our inclusion criteria, hence the highest level
          (NOTUS)’ ‘SILA’. Search engines used: Medical litera-  of evidence available was used. From 46 articles, 12 were
          ture  analysis and retrieval system online (MEDLINE),  filtered by title. Eventually, nine articles were reviewed
          Excerpta medica dataBASE (EMBASE), chochrane library.  after exclusion by abstracts. Out of nine full texts only
          Relevant articles in the studies collected were also evalu-  four studies were included in our review. One study was
          ated. Last search was done on 24/8/2015.            excluded due to small sample size.  Exclusion was based
                                                              nine on our inclusion and exclusion criteria. The articles
          inclusion Criteria
                                                              characteristics are presented in Table 1 and patient charac -
          Studies focusing on port-site complication, specially those  teristics and outcomes in Table 2.
          comparing rate of infection at different incision sites. In
          addition, we included papers evaluating the applicabi lity   Type of Studies and Bias
          of SILA. The search results were limited to systematic   All four studies were conducted on adults diagnosed with
          reviews, meta-analysis and randomized controlled trials   AA, none of them was an RCT. Only one study included
          (RCT), once not available the best available evidence was   those with complicated AA.  Pooled sample size for all
          included. Search results were filtered initially by scree­  studies was 129 patients. The studies were published
          ning the article titles, once approved by the two authors   between 2011 and 2015. The article type varied, Vidal et al
          abstracts were further screened, at this stage the full   conducted a prospective study,  Ze Zhang et al got their
          articles were retrieved and decided to be included or not,   results through a propensity matched analysis,  a retro-
          if at any stage there was a disagreement on the inclusion   spective study was conducted by Wang Y et al,  and a
          or exclusion the third author acted as a referee.   case series was presented by Alvarez et al. 12
          exclusion Criteria                                     The sample size ranged from 15 to 54 patients. All
                                                              studies suffered from selection bias. There was no ran-
          Studies conducted on pediatrics population, obstetric and   dom sequence in selecting the candidates, except for
          gynecology procedure, urological procedures, cases of   Ze Zhang et al  who were trying to eliminate bias by
          malignancy and robotic surgery procedures. One study   using propensity matched analysis. No evidence of
          was excluded due to small sample size.              concealment was present when selecting the study can-
          Funding                                             didates in all papers, so, in conclusion selection bias is
                                                              profound along most of the articles. Both participants
          There was no funding for this review, all articles were   and candidates were aware of the type of procedure
          obtained through individual university access.      being performed. Blinding was not evident even in
                                                              the assessment of variable outcomes, such as postope-
                                                              rative complications and wound cosmesis. Hence, per-
                                                              formance and detection bias is also profound along all
                                                              studies. All papers suffered attrition bias, by excluding
                                                              the complicated appendixes in three articles, 10-12  or by
                                                              excluding those who did not have a matching population
                                                              without mentioning the outcome of them. 7

                                                              Surgical Technical Aspects
                                                              All procedures were performed under GA where there
                                                              was no contraindication to laparoscopic surgery. All
                                                              surgeries were performed by surgeons experienced in
                                                              laparoscopic surgery. Wound size was 1.5 cm on two
                                                              studies, 11,12  2 cm  and 2.5 cm.  Two authors used a self
                                                              made port. 7,11  One conducted the study using SILS port,
                                                              and one using R-port.  The operative time range was
                                                              [(35–76.36 minutes) (mean = 52.91 minutes)]. None of the
                                                              studies reported any intraoperative complication, use
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