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                                                       The Future of Suprapubic Single-incision Laparoscopic Appendectomy

                                                          Table 1
                                Sample   Incision type                            Instrument used to
                       year     size (n =  and length  Type of                    secure/resect appendix
           Study       published patients) (port)     study     Surgeon experience  and mesoappendix  Follow-up
           Alvarez et al 12  2012  15   1.5 cm        Series of    N/A            Appendix by stable/  N/A
                                        transverse/(R   15 cases                  mesoappendix by clips
                                        Port)                                     and cautery
           Vidal et al 10  2011  20     2.5 cm        Prospective  Same experienced   Appendix by endo gia/   7 days
                                        transverse/   study     laparoscopic      mesoappendix by clips
                                        SILS port               surgeons
           Wang et al 11  2015  42      1.5 cm        Retros-   Two surgeon team   Nonabsorbable loop,   1 month
                                        transverse/self   pective   experienced in   meso with ultrasonic
                                        made port     analysis  laparoscopy       scalpel
           Ze Zhang et al 7  2015  54   2 cm transverse/  Propensity  Two surgeon team   Nonabsorbable loop,   12 to 20
                                        self made port  matched   experienced in   meso with ultrasonic   months
                                                      analysis  laparoscopy       scalpel

                                                          Table 2
                    Mean operative            Intraoperative
                    time in minutes  Wound    complication/              Drain
                    (confidence   complications    conversion/   Pain (n = number    place-        Hospital stay
           Study    interval)    (n = incidence)  extra-port  of patients)  ment  Cosmesis         in days
           Ze Zhang  58.91 (± 17.45) wound infection  0/0/0  Required additional 5  Psaq satisfaction with   4.7 ± 1.6
                                 (n = 1)                 analgesia (n = 13)    appearance 8 (8–16)
           Wang Y   58 (± 11)    wound infection  0/0/0  Required additional 4  N/A                3 ± 1
                                 (n = 1)                 analgesia (n = 8)
           Vidal    40 (± 7)     nell         0/0/0      Vas median 2    4     N/A                 2 ± 0.5
           Alvarez  35 (15–60)   nell         0/0/0      Required additional  13  No proper assessment   Mean < 24/ 22
                                                         analgesia (n = 1)     of cosmetic outcome  (18–31) hours

          of extra-ports, conversion to conventional or open pro-  Follow-up
          cedure. Drain was used in 4.96% of cases (n = 26). Most   Follow-up ranged from 1 to 80 weeks.
          of the studies has concluded that a suprapubic approach
          offered a better visualization of the appendix with a bet-  diSCuSSion
          ter viewing angel.
                                                              Suprapubic incision is an appealing site for performing
                                                              SILS in AA. We will discuss the feasibility and possibility
          Postoperative Course, Pain Assessment
                                                              of such an approach on the bases of comparing it to the
          Mean hospital stay averaged from 1 to 4. 7 days. Pain as-  conventional umbilical incision. Our study was based
          sessment was subjective in three out of four studies. 7,11,12   on the hypothesis that by choosing a different entry site
          One study used visual analog scale (VAS) with a pain  for AA in SILS, the rate of port-site complications will
          median value of 2 (1–4). 10                         reduce. The umbilicus is the standard site of entry to date,
                                                              but, port-site herniation, infection and pain are among
          Postoperative Complications                         the commonly seen complications with such an incision,
                                                              not only in SILS but also in conventional laparoscopic
          Two out of 129 were complicated with wound infection,   surgery. 4,6,7,11  A systemic review conducted by M Owens
          no other postoperative complications were mentioned   included 25 review original articles, highlighted port-
          otherwise. It appears that the rate of wound infection   site hernial complications, based on his data out of 7,802
          is lower in a suprapubic incision in comparison to an   patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC),
          umbilical incision in one study (2.3 vs 8.7%)  and (1.8%   the incidence of hernia was (0.12–1.8% mean 0.69) where
          vs 3.3–8.2%) in another. 7
                                                              at least 68.25% were at the umbilicus. He also mentioned
                                                              that wound infection is a key player in predisposing
          Cosmetic outcome
                                                              late port-site herniation, hence the increased incidence
          Only one study has used patient scar assessment ques-  of infection at the umbilicus may explain the increased
          tionnaire (PSAQ) median = 8 (8–16),  the rest based their  incidence of hernia at this site.  This approves a previ-
          assessment on clinical basis.                       ously conducted systematic review included 5984 patients
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2015;8(2):57-61                                 59
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