Page 32 - Laparoscopic Journal - WJOLS
P. 32

Njem Josiah Miner, RK Mishra

                          Fig. 3: applying a clip                             Fig. 4: clip application

                         Fig. 5: clips on cystic duct                      Fig. 6: specimen in endo bag
                                                              performed to exclude injury or bleeding incurred during
                                                              pneumoperitoneum, first port placement and to identify
                                                              any unsuspecting gross pathology. Following this, 10 or
                                                              5 mm epigastric, 5 mm right hypochondriac working
                                                              ports as well as 5 mm assisting port just below right
                                                              hypochondriac port were subsequently placed (Fig. 2). A
                                                              hunter’s grasper passed through the assisting port was
                                                              used for cephalad retraction of the gallbladder fundus.
                                                              Another grasper through the right hypochondriac port is
                                                              used to provide lateral retraction of the infundibulum of
                                                              the gallbladder. The gallbladder was dissected laterally
                                                              with a combination of harmonic scalpel and bunt suction
                    Fig. 7: inspecting the gallbladder bed    tip as describe earlier. The hilum was dissected and the
          before final separation of the gallbladder from its bed to  cystic duct and cystic artery were identified. The posterior
          ensure no bleeding or leaks were left unattended (Fig. 6).  branch of the cystic artery which is always present was
          The specimen was delivered by a retrieval bag through  coagulated with harmonic. The cystic duct and artery
          the 10 mm port after changing the camera to a 5 mm 30º  are clipped and divided. The gallbladder is dissected
          camera for retrieval under vision (Fig. 7). The umbilical  from the liver bed along the cystic plate. Inspection of the
          incision was closed with vicryl 2/0 suture.         bed was done before the last bit of the gallbladder was
             For the four incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy,  completely separated, to ensure adequate hemostasis.

          after pneumoperitoneum using the standard Veress  The specimen was delivered in a retrieval bag through

          needle technique. A 10 mm 30º umbilical port was placed  the 10 mm port under vision. The 10 mm incision was
          and 360º diagnostic scan of the entire abdomen was   closed using vicryl 2/0 suture.
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