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                                                       The Future of Suprapubic Single-incision Laparoscopic Appendectomy
          SyStematic revieW

          The Future of Suprapubic Single-incision Laparoscopic


          1 Khaled Al-yaqout,  Abdulaziz Alghurair,  Hussain Al-Tarrah
          ABSTRACT                                            inTRoduCTion
          Background: Suprapubic single-incision laparoscopic appen-  From an era where open appendectomy was the gold
          dectomy (SSILA) has recently been studied by different authors,   standard management of acute appendicitis (AA),
          the targeted benefits were better cosmesis, less infection and
          possibly less hernia formation.                     emerged the three-port laparoscopic appendectomy
                                                              (TPLA) showing more promising results in regards to
          Aim: To evaluate the feasibility and benefits of SSILA by revie-
          wing the most recent data published to date, and identifying the   postope rative pain, earlier return to work and cosmesis,
          pros and cons of its use against an umbilical incision.  and eventually proving to be a better predecessor. Sur-
          Materials  and  methods:  A  systematic  electronic  search   geons further challenged the three-port ideation with
          based on preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and  single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS), aiming for
          meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement was conducted, articles   even better cosmesis, and less postoperative pain. Single-
          from 2010 to 2015 were reviewed. Only Adult population was
          included in the study. Pre-, intra- and postoperative variables   incision laparoscopic surgery was questioned by being
          were included in our study, such as operative duration, wound  more challenging, technically more difficult and can be
          infection, cosmetic outcome and pain.               associated with more complications.  A meta-analysis of
          Results: Four studies were included and round up a total of 129  eight randomized controlled trials (RCTs), which included
          patients. Incision size varied from 1.5 to 2.5 cm, procedure was  1234 patients, one compared TPLA to single-incision lapa-
          completed in all studied candidates, mean operative time was   roscopic appendectomy (SILA) for the management AA.
          52.9 minutes, no intraoperative complications were recorded,
          wound infection occurred in 0.015% of cases, mean hospital   It showed similar outcomes in regards to both surgical
          stay 1 to 4.7 days, pain and cosmetic outcome were difficult  and medical complications, similar conversion rate,
          to interpret due to the way, their evaluation was conducted.   postoperative ileus, wound infection, re-operation rates,
          Suprapubic single-incision laparoscopic appendectomy    postoperative pain, hospital duration, and time to initiate
          app ears to give a better operative view, follow-up duration 1 to
          80 weeks. Most studies suffered from bias in all aspects.  first meal. Although SILA seems to be superior in regards
                                                              to return to normal activity, and resumption of normal
          Conclusion: Finding a different access site in acute appendi-
          citis may decrease the rate of port-site complications, and   diet. It still stands behind in regards to operative time by
          hence the morbidity associated with it. The suprapubic incision  approximately  5 minutes.  Starvros et al concluded that the
          is an appealing alternative, with lack of strong evidence to sup-  increased risk of hernia formation was not supported by
          port it. The available evidence supports its use, but randomized   any clinical evidence in their meta-analysis, but the follow-
          controlled trials have to be conducted to determine its fait.
                                                              up duration was reported to be short.  Many authors
          Keywords:  Appendectomy,  Laparoscopic,  Single  port,    concluded that the umbilicus is the most common site for
                                                              port-site complications, it carries a greater risk of port-site
          How to cite this article: Al-Yaqout K, Alghurair A, Al-Tarrah H.   infection (PSI). This conclusions were evident in studies
          The Future of Suprapubic Single-incision Laparoscopic
          Appendectomy. World J Lap Surg 2015;8(2):57-61.     investi gating SILS and conventional laparoscopy, done for
                                                              various abdominal procedures.  Not only the umbilicus
          Source of support: Nil
                                                              flora augments this but also the fact that retrieving the
          Conflict of interest: None                          appendix through the incision will further increase such
                                                              risk, and was linked to an increased incidence of hernia
                                                              formation at those sites.  The rationale of this review is
            1-3 Registrar                                     to evaluate the use of a suprapubic site of entry in SILA.
            1 Department  of  General  Surgery,  Mubarak Al-Kabeer    Our objective is to target adults presenting with AA. We
            Hospital, Kuwait                                  will evaluate it using the most recent evidence available.
            2 Department of General Surgery, Al-Adan Hospital, Kuwait
                                                              MATeRiALS And MeTHodS
            3 Department of General Surgery, Amiri Hospital, Kuwait
                                                              Literature Search
            Corresponding Author:  Khaled Al-Yaqout,  Registrar
            Department of General Surgery, Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital   Our review followed the PRISMA statement.  We con-
            Kuwait, Phone: +96597777609, e-mail:
                                                              ducted a systematic electronic search using the following
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2015;8(2):57-61                                 57
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