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                              A Comparative Study of Single Incision vs Conventional Four Incision Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
          RESuLTS                                             patients was 45.9 ± 9 to 85 years for both groups (Table
                                                              2). The average age for those who had SILC was 46.7 ±
          Of the 150 patients who had LC at the institute of mini­  15 while that for those who had 4PLC was 45.2 ± 14. The
          mal access, metabolic and bariatric surgery, Sir Ganga   number of males who had SILC was 26 (43.3%), while
          Ram Hospital, New Delhi, 61 (50.4%) had conventional
          four port laparoscopic cholecystectomy (4PLC), while   34 (56.7%) were females. Those who had conventional 4PLC
                                                              had 31 (50.8%) males and 34 (56.7%) females. Indications
          60 (49.6%) had SILC (Table 1). The average age of the
                                                              for the operation were similar for the two groups (Table 3).
              Table 1: Demographics, symptomatology and diagnosis  There was one conversion from SILC to 4PLC. This
           Study parameters        Number (n = 121)   %       was a patient who had prior percutaneous drainage of
           Gender                                             gallbladder empyema in another hospital. None of the
           male                    57                 47.1    patients in the two groups were, however, converted to
           Female                  64                 52.9    open cholecystectomy. There was also no intraoperative
           Pain                    120                99.2          Table 3: Analgesic requirement, symptomatology,
           No pain                 1                  0.8                      and demographics
           Examination                                        Study                              Chi-
           JAU                     1                  0.8     parameters    NSA (n = 5)  PCM (116)  square  p-value
           TEN                     40                 33.1    Gender
           No complication         80                 66.1    male          3 (60.0)   54 (46.6)  0.348  0.555
           USS                                                Female        2 (40.0)   62 (53.4)
           CHOLECY                 1                  0.8     Complications
           CHOLELI                 3                  2.5     Pain          5 (100.0)  115 (99.1)  0.043  0.835
           mSTONE                  1                  0.8     No pain       0 (0.0)    1 (0.9)
           STONE                   36                 29.8    Examination
           STONES                  74                 61.2    JAU           0 (0.0)    1 (0.9)   0.464   0.793
           NONE                    6                  5.0     TEN           1 (20.0)   39 (33.6)
           Diagnosis                                          No complication  4 (80.0)  76 (65.5)
           CHOLECYS                6                  5.0     USS
           CHOLELIT                113                93.4    CHOLECY       0 (0.0)    1 (0.9)   9.851   0.080
           CHOLIELI                1                  0.8     CHOLELI       1 (20.0)   2 (1.7)
           NONE                    1                  0.8     mSTONE        0 (0.0)    1 (0.9)
           Anesthesia                                         STONE         3 (60.0)   33 (28.4)
           GA                      118                97.5    STONES        1 (20.0)   73 (62.9)
           NO GA                   3                  2.5     NONE          0 (0.0)    6 (5.2)
           Findings                                           Diagnosis
           mSTONES                 1                  0.8     CHOLECYS      0 (0.0)    6 (5.2)   23.602  0.000*
           PUS/STN                 1                  0.8     CHOLELIT      4 (80.0)   109 (94.0)
           STONE                   33                 27.3    CHOLIELI      1 (20.0)   0 (0.0)
           STONES                  78                 64.5    NONE          0 (0.0)    1 (0.9)
           NONE                    8                  6.6     Anesthesia
           Convert                                            GA            5 (100.0)  113 (97.4)  0.133  0.716
           YES                     1                  0.8     NO GA         0 (0.0)    3 (2.6)
           NO/NILL                 120                99.2    Findings      0 (0.0)    1 (0.9)   2.963   0.564
           Complic                                            PUS/STN       0 (0.0)    1 (0.9)
           YES                     0                  0.0     STONE         3 (60.0)   30 (25.9)
           NO/NILL                 121                100.0   STONES        2 (40.0)   76 (65.5)
           LC/LICS                                            NONE          0 (0.0)    8 (6.9)
           LC                      61                 50.4    Convert
           LICS                    60                 49.6    YES           0 (0.0)    1 (0.9)   0.043   0.835
           Analges                                            NO/NILL       5 (100.0)  115 (99.1)
           NSA                     5                  4.1     Complic
           PCm                     116                95.9
                                                              YES           0 (0.0)    0 (0.0)   —       —
                                                              NO/NILL       5 (100.0)  116 (100.0)
                   Table 2: Age distribution and hospital stay
           Study parameters  Mean  Median  SD   Min.  Max.    LC            4 (80.0)   57 (49.1)  1.826  0.177
           Age (years)    45.94  46.00  14.84   9.0   85.0    LICS          1 (20.0)   59 (50.9)
           Hospital stay (hrs) 27.0  24.0  13.8  4    120     p-value < 0.05, statistically significant
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2015;8(2):62-67                                 65
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