Page 22 - Laparoscopic Journal - WJOLS
P. 22

Vaibhav A Dunghav
          4 months after surgery and delivered a baby girl at      In the experimental group, the median hemoglobin
          38 weeks gestation via cesarean section.            drop measured on day 3 postoperatively was 1.2 g/dl. In
             Another study performed by Ji Hae Bae et al in 90  the control group, the mean hemoglobin drop measured
          patients. Results show 51 patients (56.6%) underwent   on day 3 postoperatively was 1.45 g/dl. The time needed
          laparoscopic myomectomy with uterine artery ligation  to put the clips in place (the time from the opening of the
          (group A), and 39 patients (43.3%) underwent laparoscopic  retroperitoneum and the positioning of the clips) varied
          myomectomy alone (group B). The mean operating time  between 6 and 40 minutes. No patient required blood
          was 100.0 ± 33.8 minutes in group A and 90.0 ± 37.1 minutes  transfusion. There were no conspicuous complications.
          in group B. Both groups were similar with respect to
          mean blood loss (72.3 ± 109.0 vs 62.6 ± 77.3 ml). The myoma  DiSCUSSion
          recurrence rate in group A was significantly less than in   Excision of fibroids from the uterine corpus, repair of
          group B after a median follow-up period of 11.1 months   the uterine incision, control of operative blood loss, and
          (2 vs 13%).                                         removal of large fibroids are major concerns during LM.
             A study by Z Holub et al assessed the effect of lateral   Control of operative blood loss might be the most cri-
          uterine artery dissection (LUAD) on clinical outcomes   tical consideration. Most intraoperative conversions to
          in laparoscopic myomectomy (LM). Fifteen women with   laparotomy reported in the literature have been because
          symptomatic fibroids (dominant fibroid size: 3–6 cm)   of intraoperative bleeding.  Previous studies study also
          were randomly allocated to laparoscopic myomectomy   confirmed the most serious complication during LM for
          (group A) and 16 women to the combined operative    large fibroids is severe intraoperative hemorrhage and
          procedures LM and LAUD (group B). They assessed     subsequent blood transfusion.  More women with symp-
          the clinical outcomes: intraoperative and postoperative   tomatic uterine fibroids request laparoscopic manage-
          blood loss, operating time, hospital stay, hemoglobin fall,   ment with preservation of the uterus. As the size of
          inflammatory response and tissue markers [C-reactive   fibroids increases, it is necessary to develop a manage-
          protein (CRP), creatinin kinase and white blood cells   ment strategy to circumvent surgical problems related
          (WBC)]. The mean operating time was 69.5 minutes    to large fibroids. Pretreatment with GnRH agonist can
          in group A and 76.5 minutes in the group B, and the   shrink the fibroids and theoretically simplify myomec-
          mean length of hospital stay was 2.6 days vs 2.1 days,   tomy. However, GnRH agonist therapy may alter the
          respectively (p > 0.05). For the laparoscopic myomec-  myoma-myometrium interface and induce the disap-
          tomy and combined operative procedure, respectively,   pearance of small fibroids; therefore, it may increase
          the intraoperative blood loss was 134 ml (10–400 ml)   the difficulty of fibroid enucleation and the incidence of
          and 93.7 ml (10–200 ml) (p > 0.05); the difference (92.4   recurrent fibroids. 14-16  In addition, GnRH agonist therapy
          vs 46 ml) in estimated postoperative blood loss was   provides only a slight benefit in reducing blood loss. 17
          statistically significant (p < 0.05), and the decline in the   Therefore, it is suggested that pretreatment with GnRH
          hemoglobin level was 1.2 g/dl  (group A) vs 0.6 g/dl –1   agonist be used in selected LM cases.
          (group B) on the 3rd postoperative day (p < 0.05). Group      Vasopressin is a posterior pituitary hormone with a
          B demonstrated a less intense stress response in terms of   strong vasoconstrictive effect on smooth muscle. Local
          CRP (p < 0.001) and WBC (p < 0.01). The LUAD had little   administration of vasopressin to the uterus is helpful in
          impact on intraoperative blood loss. This may be due to   controlling bleeding during myomectomy. 18,19  Possible
          the smaller fibroid size, but the statistical difference in   drawbacks include bleeding from the needle puncture
          hemoglobin fall on the 3rd postoperative day was signifi-  sites, which often persists throughout the procedure,
          cant. The dissection of the uterine artery in laparoscopic   requiring later electrosurgical coagulation, and delayed
          myomectomy is a feasible surgical procedure with a low  bleeding in the myometrium.  If unexpected bleeding
          rate of complication.                               occurs, the goal of controlling operative bleeding will not
             A study by Giuseppe Vercellino et al of 166 women  be achieved.
          with symptomatic uterine myomas necessitating surgical     Placing a tourniquet around the lower uterus to stop
          intervention who wished to retain their uteri, 80 under -  the blood flow to the uterus can facilitate a myomectomy.
          went laparoscopic uterine artery clipping and myomec-  It is, however, difficult to perform during a laparoscopy
          tomy (experimental group) and 86 received laparoscopic  because there are no appropriate instruments. Modified
          myomectomy only (control group). Main outcome mea-  procedures have been introduced for this purpose in
          sures were operating time, number and weight of leio-  laparoscopic surgery. 7,21  They can effectively reduce blood
          myomas, blood loss, Doppler examination of the uterine  loss during LM and have the potential to prevent fibroid
          arteries and complications of procedure.            recurrence. Nevertheless, suture and hemoclip ligations
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