Page 7 - Textbook of Practical Laparoscopic Surgery by Dr. R. K. Mishra
P. 7

6    SECTION 1: Essentials of Laparoscopy

                     while not including the fascia may increase the rate of  end of the Veress needle should be pointed toward anus
                     failed entry (Fig. 15).                         (Fig. 15). To prevent creation of preperitoneal slip of tip
                  ■ ■Hold the Veress needle just over the previously incised  of Veress needle, it is necessary that Veress needle should
                     site and insert it through the incision at a 45° angle  be perpendicular to the abdominal wall. However, there
                     toward anus but keep perpendicular to the abdominal  is a fear of injury of great vessels or bowel if Veress needle
                     wall. This can be only achieved by lifting the abdominal  is inserted perpendicular to the abdominal wall. To avoid
                     wall adequately by left hand (Fig. 15).         both the difficulty (creation of preperitoneal space and
                  ■ ■While inserting the Veress needle feel for two “pops”.  injury to bowel or great vessels), the lower abdominal wall
                     The first occurs when the needle passes through the  should be lifted in such a way that it should lie at 90° angle
                     abdominal fascia and the second as it passes through   in relation to the Veress needle but in relation to the body
                     the parietal peritoneum. More lateral access sites may  of patient Veress needle will be at an angle of 45° pointed
                     have additional “pops” if more than one layer of fascia  toward anus. Lifting of abdominal wall should be adequate
                     is traversed.                                   so that the distance of abdominal wall from viscera should
                  ■ ■As soon as the needle enters the peritoneal space, the  increase. If less than required dose of muscle relaxant is
                     displaced hub of the needle will “click” as the protective  given in muscular patient, lifting of abdominal wall may
                     sheath recoils to cover the end of the needle. After  be difficult. In multipara patient, lifting lower abdominal
                     entering in abdominal cavity, the intra-abdominal  wall is very easy.
                     needle will also move more freely than a needle within   Several tests are available for confirming Veress needle
                     the abdominal wall.                             placement. These include one of the following:
                     Veress needle should be held like a dart (Fig. 13). At
                  the time of insertion, there should be 45° of elevation  Needle Movement Test
                  angle. Elevation angle is angle between instrument and   Once the Veress needle is inside the abdominal cavity,
                  body of patient. To get an elevation angle of 45° the distal   the tip of Veress needle should be free and if surgeon will

                     Fig. 11: Two Allis forceps is applied over crease of umbilicus.  Fig. 12: 2-mm stab wound over inferior crease of umbilicus.

                         Fig. 13: Veress needle should be held like a dart.  Fig. 14: Guard the required length of Veress needle.
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