Page 9 - Textbook of Practical Laparoscopic Surgery by Dr. R. K. Mishra
P. 9

8    SECTION 1: Essentials of Laparoscopy

                  clip technique increases the distance of skin from rest  Insufflation of Gas Test, Quadromanometric Test
                  of the abdominal wall more than distance of abdominal   Tubing of the insufflator should be tightly attached with
                  wall from viscera. Abdominal wall should be held full   the help of Luer lock of Veress needle (Figs. 19 and 20).
                  thickness with the help of thenar, hypothenar and all the   For safe access, surgeon should always see carefully all
                  four fingers (Fig. 15). It is lifted in such a way that angle   the four indicators of insufflator at the time of creation
                  between Veress needles to abdominal wall should be 90°   of pneumoperitoneum. If the gas is flowing inside the
                  and angle between Veress needle and patient should be   abdominal cavity, there should be proportionate rise in
                  45°. At the time of entry of Veress needle, surgeon can hear   actual pressure with total gas used. Suppose only with the
                  and feel two click sounds. The first click sound is due to   entry of 200–300 mL of gas, if actual pressure is equal to
                  rectus sheath and second click sound is due to puncture   preset pressure of 12 mm Hg, that means gas is not going
                  of peritoneum. Anterior and posterior rectus forms one   in free abdominal cavity, it may be in preperitoneal space
                  sheath at the level of umbilicus, so there will be only one   or inside omentum or may be in bowel. If gas is flown
                  click for rectus.                                  >5 L without any distention of abdomen that may be due to
                     If  any  other  area  of  abdominal  wall is  selected  for   leakage or gas may be going inside the vessel.
                  access surgeon will get three click sounds. Once these two
                  click sound is felt, surgeon should stop pushing Veress   Quadromanometric Indicators of
                  needle further inside and he should use various indicators   Insufflator (Figs. 21A and B)
                  to know how far he has accessed. Once the desire length
                  of Veress needle is introduced in abdomen, the tubing of   Quadromanometric indicators are the  four  important
                  insufflator should be attached to Veress needle (Fig. 16). It   readings of insufflator the insufflator is used to monitor:
                  is important to keep nice hold on Veress needle throughout   1.  Preset insufflation pressure
                  while gas is flowing; otherwise Veress needle can slip out   2.  Actual pressure
                  and may create preperitoneal insufflation (Fig. 17).

                  A                                                  B
                                                       Figs. 18A and B: Hanging drop test.

                   Fig. 19: Attaching gas tubing with careful hold of Veress needle and   Fig. 20: Beginning of insufflation with careful hold over
                         counter twist over Luer lock of insufflator tubing.             Veress needle.
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