Page 10 - Textbook of Practical Laparoscopic Surgery by Dr. R. K. Mishra
P. 10

CHAPTER 6: Abdominal Access Techniques  9

                  A                                                B
                                                 Figs. 21A and B: Quadromanometric indicators.

                3.  Gas flow rate                                      Actual pressures of >20–25 mm Hg has following
                4.  Volume of gas consumed.                         disadvantage over hemodynamic status of patient.
                                                                    ■ ■Decrease venous return due to vena caval compression
                Preset pressure: This is the pressure adjusted by surgeon
                before starting insufflation. This is the command given by   leading to:
                                                                       z ■ Increased chance of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
                surgeon to insufflator to keep intra-abdominal pressure at
                this level.                                               of calf
                                                                       z ■ Hidden cardiac ischemia can precipitate due to
                   The preset pressure ideally should be 12 mm Hg. In any
                circumstance, it should not be >18 mm Hg. Good quality   ■  decrease cardiac output
                insufflator always keeps intra-abdominal pressure at preset   ■ ■Decrease tidal volume due to diaphragmatic excursion
                pressure. Whenever intra-abdominal pressure decreases   ■Increase risk of air embolism due to venous
                due to leak of gas outside, insufflator eject some gas inside   ■  intravasation
                to maintain the pressure, equal to preset pressure. If intra-  ■Increased risk of surgical emphysema.
                abdominal pressure increases due to external pressure;  Flow rate: This reflects the rate of flow of CO  through
                insufflator sucks some gas from abdominal cavity, to  the tubing of insufflator. When Veress needle is attached,
                maintain the pressure to preset pressure. When surgeon  the flow rate should be adjusted to 1 L/min. Studies were
                or gynecologist wants to perform diagnostic laparoscopy   performed over animal in which direct intravenous (IV)
                under local anesthesia, the preset pressure should be set  CO  were administered, and it was found that risk of air
                to 8 mm Hg. In some special situation of axilloscopy or   embolism is less if rate is within 1 L/min. At the time of
                arthroscopy, we need to have pressure > 19 mm Hg.   access using Veress needle technique, sometime Veress
                                                                    needle may inadvertently enter inside a vessel but if the flow
                Actual pressure: This is the actual intra-abdominal pressure
                sensed by insufflator. When Veress needle is attached,   rate is 1 L/min there is a less chance of serious complication.
                there is some errors in actual pressure reading because   When initial pneumoperitoneum is achieved and cannula
                of resistance of flow of gas through small caliber of Veress   is inside abdominal cavity, the insufflators flow rate may be
                needle. Since continuous flow of insufflating gas through   set at maximum, to compensate loss of CO  due to use of
                Veress needle usually gives extra 4–8 mm Hg of measured   suction irrigation instrument. This should be remembered
                pressure by insufflator, the true intra-abdominal pressure   that if insufflator is set to its maximum flow rate then also
                can be determined by switching the flow from insufflator   it will allow flow only if the actual pressure is less than
                off for a moment. Many microprocessors controlled good   preset pressure otherwise it will not pump any gas. Most
                quality insufflator deliver pulsatile flow of gas when Veress   of the surgeons keep initial flow rate with Veress needle
                needle is connected, in which the low reading of actual   to 1 L/min and as soon as they confirm that gas is going
                pressure measures the true intra-abdominal pressure. If   satisfactorily inside the abdominal cavity by percussion
                                                                    examination and seeing obliteration of liver dullness (Fig.
                there is any major gas leak, actual pressure will be less, and
                insufflator will try to maintain the pressure by ejecting gas   22), then they increase flow rate to 3 L/min. No matter how
                through its full capacity.                          much flow rate you set for Veress needle, the eye of normal
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