Page 15 - Textbook of Practical Laparoscopic Surgery by Dr. R. K. Mishra
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14    SECTION 1: Essentials of Laparoscopy

                  compared with a closed Veress needle technique. Even  Steps of Open Access Technique
                  though the Hasson technique is most commonly used   A transverse incision is made in the subumbilical region
                  in  the  periumbilical  region,  this  method  can  be  used   and the upper skin flap is retracted with an Allis forceps.
                  anywhere on the abdominal wall and is particularly useful   The lower flap is retracted using a small right-angled
                  when there is a concern for abdominal wall adhesions in a   retractor. Subcutaneous tissue is dissected till the linea
                  patient with a prior laparotomy.                   alba and the rectus sheath is visualized. Stay sutures are
                     In this, there is a direct entry by open technique,   taken on either side of the midline.
                  without creating pneumoperitoneum and insufflator is   ■ ■Make a transverse or longitudinal incision in the skin
                  connected once blunt trocar is inside the abdominal cavity   just below the umbilicus (Fig. 37).
                  under direct vision. There are various ways of open access   ■ ■Stay suture is given both the end of transverse incision.
                  such  as  Hasson’s  technique,  Scandinavian  technique,    ■ ■Both the stays are pulled up to make a bridge-like
                  and Fielding technique.                               elevation of rectus.
                     Some surgeons and gynecologists practice blind trocar   ■ ■Rectus sheath is incised in the midline along the line
                  insertion without pneumoperitoneum. The incidence     of linea alba pointing upward. Incision should not
                  of injury due to this type of access is much higher. This   penetrate the peritoneum; otherwise any adhesion
                  type of direct trocar entry is practiced by gynecologists   with the peritoneum may be punctured  (Figs. 39A
                  for sterilization. Sterilization may be performed because   and B).
                  in multipara patients the lower abdominal wall is lax;   ■ ■Incise the fascia until a small amount of preperitoneal
                  making the fascia thinner and easy elevation by hand is   fat is identified. Place stay sutures in the fascial edges.
                  possible. Bleeding due to accidental damage to a major   ■ ■The stay sutures aid with retraction of the abdominal
                  vessel during this initial stage is one of the most dangerous   wall and can be used to secure the port to the fascia,
                  complications of laparoscopic surgery.                preventing its displacement during the surgery.
                     The Hasson trocar system was initially developed   ■ ■A hemostat is stabbed into the peritoneum while
                  for  laparoscopy in patients who  have had  a  previous   holding the stays up (Fig. 38).
                  laparotomy. After seeing benefit of open access technique,   ■ ■The give-way of the peritoneum can be felt as
                  many surgeons started using open access technique     peritoneum is perforated and then the hemostat is
                  routinely in all their patients. An access wound was made   opened to widen the opening.
                  using traditional open techniques and the Hasson trocar   ■ ■Open the peritoneum bluntly, sweep the underside
                  and cannula was designed to both fix the port and seal   of the abdominal wall with the index finger to clear
                  this larger wound round the port. It requires the use of   omentum or bowel, and confirm the absence of
                  sutures to prevent slippage of port. This involved making   adhesions in the region of the incision  (Figs. 39A
                  a small entry wound directly through the scar tissue of the   and B).
                  umbilicus and then dilating this up by passage of a blunt,   ■ ■Surgeon should insert his finger to feel all around inside
                  preferable conically tipped trocar and cannula (Figs. 40   the abdominal cavity to feel any possible adhesion.
                  and 41).

                              Fig. 35: Disposable Hasson trocar.                   Fig. 36: Reusable Hasson trocar.
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