Page 19 - Textbook of Practical Laparoscopic Surgery by Dr. R. K. Mishra
P. 19

18    SECTION 1: Essentials of Laparoscopy

                       Fig. 48: Veress needle insertion through Mishra’s point.  Fig. 49: Trocar insertion through Mishra’s point.

                         Fig. 50: Patient should be in supine position not in    Fig. 51: Veress needle introduction in obese patient.
                                 Trendelenburg’s position.

                  splenic flexor of colon. It is very important that nasogastric  should be asked for help to have a better grip (Fig. 51).
                  tube should be in place and stomach should be deflated   If bariatric surgery or fundoplication is planned, then
                  (Fig. 49).                                         Veress needle and primary trocar need to be introduced
                                                                     supraumbilical  so that  the  telescope  can  show the
                  Obese Patients                                     diaphragm and posterior mediastinum during esophageal

                  In obese patient, incision site should be transumbilical   mobilization.
                  (base of umbilicus) for the insertion of Veress needle,
                  because it is the thinnest abdominal wall and even in   ENTRY IN CASES OF MORBID OBESITY
                  obese patient, the amount of fat in transumbilical region   Abdominal access can be challenging in the patient
                  is less compared to other areas of the abdominal wall.  with a thick abdominal wall; however, all types of entry
                  Direction of Veress needle entry in obese patient should  access can be safely performed by experienced surgeons.
                  be perpendicular to abdominal wall and patient should  In morbid obese patient, the umbilicus is well below
                  be in  supine position not in Trendelenburg’s position  the aortic bifurcation in supine position. When using

                  (Fig. 50).  Once  the  Veress  needle  is  inside  the Veress needle technique in obese patients, the left
                  pneumoperitoneum  should  be created  up  to  18  mm  upper quadrant is preferred by many surgeons for initial
                  Hg. Once the actual pressure is equal to preset pressure  placement (Palmer’s point). If supraumbilical access is
                  and at least 1.5–3 L of gas is introduced, Veress needle is  used to perform bariatric surgery assistant’s help should
                  removed. After removing Veress needle, the initial incision  be  taken  to  lift  the  abdominal  wall  (Fig. 51).  Longer
                  is enlarged up to 11 mm. After enlarging the initial incision,  port 20 cm in length is required in case of obese patient
                  fat should be cleared up to anterior rectus sheath with the  (Fig. 52). The irrigation test, aspiration test, the saline
                  help of hemostat and little finger. In obese patients, it is  drop test, and an opening pressure of <10 mm Hg should
                  difficult to lift the abdominal wall alone, assistant’s hand  all be used to confirm proper placement of the needle.
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