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                                                                               A decade of Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy

          A Decade of Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy

          in a Regional Center

          1 Ekta Paw,  Jason Boldery,  Venkat Vangaveti
          ABSTRACT                                            Source of support: Nil
          Aim: To evaluate the laparoscopic approach to adrenalectomy   Conflict of interest: None
          throughout a decade in a single area, focussing on complication
          rates and the effect of surgeon experience. Given the relative   INTRODUCTION
          rareness and pathological heterogeneity of adrenal tumors,
          there  is  still  some  debate  as  to  whether  the  laparoscopic  Adrenal tumors are a rare and distinctly heterogeneous
          approach is suitable for all situations. Initially, laparoscopy   group of tumors. They can be differentiated by area of
          was not recommended for pheochromocytomas, because of   origin within the adrenal cortex or medulla; the degree of
          the possibility of adrenergic crisis. Subsequent questions were
          raised as to its appropriateness for large tumors (>6 cm) and   their symptoms or; into benign and malignant. For most
          metastatic deposits due to the technical difficulty of dissection.  tumors, the laparoscopic approach has been established
          There has also been an increased number of incidental tumors  as the mainstay of treatment.  Still, there are a number
          (‘incidentalomas’) discovered while imaging for other reasons   of questions which have arisen in regards to when this
          (e.g., on CT or MRI).
                                                              approach is appropriate.
          Materials and methods: De-identified data was collected of   Laparoscopic adrenalectomy has been well established
          all laparoscopic adrenalectomies within the last decade via   for benign cortical tumors, pheochromocytomas, and
          electronic and physical chart review, in addition to review of
          pathology reports.                                  metastases. The only limiting factor for laparoscopy in
                                                              these pathologies is the size of the lesion, with the limit
          Results: Ninety-seven adrenalectomies were performed. The
          complication rate was 8%, and 40% of cases were incidentalo-  being around 12 cm. There is still ongoing debate about
          mas. Tumor pathologies noted were: non-secretory adenomas   the use of laparoscopy in adrenal carcinoma, with some
          (35%), aldosterone-secreting adenomas (18.6%), adrenal  authorities stating that only open technique should be used.
          metastases  (17.5%),  pheochromocytomas  (13.4%),  simple   Some data suggest that patients do better in terms of overall
          cysts (4.1%) and other pathologies (11.3%). The most significant   and disease-free survival with open adrenalectomy.
          decrease in operative time was between 2005–2008 and 2009
          (p <0.0001). No significant relationship between complications   The major risks contributing to the morbidity of the
          and size of a tumor, nor pathology of a tumor was found.   laparoscopic approach are open conversion, long operative
                                                              time and increased blood loss.  A large tumor size (defined
          Conclusion and clinical significance: Laparoscopic adrenal-
          ectomy in this center has a complication rate similar to other   as > 6 cm) is found in the literature to be feasible and safe,
          published rates and appears to be a safe procedure for large  but possibly with increased operative time and blood
          tumors and various pathologies. There is also a demonstrable   loss.  The other question for the laparoscopic approach
          effect of surgeon experience on operative time.
                                                              is concerning the pathology of the lesion. In the case of
          Keywords: Adrenal, Adrenalectomy, Cohort, Endocrine, Lapa-  malignant tumors, there has been a question of seeding
          roscopic, Retrospective.                            the tumor or spillage if the tumor capsule is broken. It has
          How to cite this article: Paw E, Boldery J, Vangaveti V. A Decade  shown to be effective in some studies, but the decision to
          of Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy in a Regional Center. World J Lap   convert to an open should be made early to avoid these
          Surg 2018;11(2):81-84.
                                                              consequences. 9,10  There have also been a number of studies
                                                              looking into the effectiveness for metastatic deposits of the
                                                              adrenal gland. 11,12
           1 Surgical Resident,  Consultant,  Senior Research Officer  Even though one  of the two cases reported in
           1 Department of Surgery, The Townsville Hospital, Townsville,   Gagner’s original 1992 paper describing laparoscopic
           Queensland, Australia                              adrenalectomy was a pheochromocytoma, for some time
           2 Department of General Surgery, The Townsville Hospital,   it was disputed whether this was a safe approach. 13,14  The
           Townsville, Queensland, Australia                  pneumoperitoneum and possible increased handling of
           3 Department of Research, The Townsville Hospital, Townsville,   a tumor holds risks of the hypertensive crisis, for which
           Queensland, Australia                              invasive arterial pressure monitoring and treatment such

           Corresponding Author: Ekta Paw, Surgical Resident,   as nitroprusside may be warranted. Subsequent studies
           Department of Surgery, The Townsville Hospital, Townsville,   have determined that the laparoscopic approach has
           Queensland, Australia, email:
                                                              equivalent if not better blood pressure stability. 15
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2018;11(2):81-84                                81
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