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          Shaukat Jeelani et al.                                             10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1339

          Laparoscopic versus open Varicocelectomy:

          An Observational Study

          1 Shaukat Jeelani,  Atif Naeem,  Ishfaq A Gilkar,  Javid A Peer,  Umer Mushtaq
          ABSTRACT                                            INTRODUCTION
          Background: Varicocele is a collection of abnormally dilated,  Varicocele is a collection of abnormally dilated, tortuous
          tortuous veins. A clinical varicocele is found in about 15% of all   veins.  A clinical varicocele is found in about 15% of all
          adult males, up to 35% of men who present for infertility evalu-  adult males, up to 35% of men who present for infertility
          ation and as many as 81% of men with secondary infertility,
          with a marked left-sided predominance. It is the most common   evaluation, and as many as 81% of men with secondary
          correctable cause of male infertility.              infertility, with a marked left-sided predominance.  It
                                                              is the most common correctable cause of male infertil-
          Methodology: This study was conducted in the postgraduate
          department of surgery, Government Medical College, Srinagar   ity. Several non-randomized studies have suggested that
          for 2 years from December 2010 till May 2013. This was a  repairing a clinically palpable varicocele in the presence
          prospective study and a total of 100 patients with clinically  of abnormal semen analysis results in improvement of
          significant varicocele were included in this study. Patients were   parameters and pregnancy rates. As most adolescent
          divided into two groups. Group A comprised of 50 patients who   varicoceles are asymptomatic and many are discovered
          underwent open surgery, and group B comprised of 50 patients
          who underwent a laparoscopic approach.              on routine physical examination, therefore true incidence
                                                              of varicocele is much higher than expected. The introduc-
          Results: In our series of 100 patients, the minimum age was   tion of radiographic diagnostic studies and scrotal ultra-
          10 and maximum was 50 years, eighty six had scrotal pain, 81
          had testicular swelling and 25 patients presented with infertil-  sound has allowed for improved diagnosis and further
          ity, the operation time for laparoscopic varicocelectomy 48  characterization of varicocele. According to the criteria
          minutes (mean) and in open surgery was 57 minutes (mean),  proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO
          We observed that postoperative analgesic requirement was   19853),  varicoceles are categorized as grade I–when
          almost equal in both groups,average hospital stay of 35.6   the impulse of dilated veins appear over scrotal skin
          hours and 50.6 hours were observed in laparoscopic and open
          groups respectively.                                with Valsalva maneuver but without venous tortuosity.
                                                              Grade II–when a palpable tortuosity and an impulse are
          Conclusion: In our study of 100 patients it was observed   found with Valsalva maneuver. Grade III–when a pal-
          that the results of laparoscopic varicocelectomy were com-
          parable to open technique with minimum morbidity, shorter   pable tortuosity without abdominal straining is noted
          hospital  stay  and  with  the  advantage  of  treating  bilateral   during the physical examination.
          varicoceles without any additional incisions. Also, lapa-  Different approaches have been applied for the treat-
          roscopic varicocelectomy produces better overall patient  ment of varicocele including open surgery, sclerotherapy
          satisfaction and hence can be considered as a preferred   and, recently, laparoscopy. In this study, we evaluated
          surgical technique although sperm analysis results were the
          same in both methods.                               and compared the operative time, sperm parameters
                                                              and complications in the postoperative period between
          Keywords: Laparoscopic, Infertility, Varicocelectomy.
                                                              laparoscopic and conventional methods for high open
          How to cite this article: Jeelani S, Naeem A, Gilkar IA, Peer  ligation of varicocele.
          JA, Mushtaq U. Laparoscopic versus open Varicocelectomy:
          An Observational Study. World J Lap Surg 2018;11(2):76-80.
          Source of support: Nil
                                                              This study was conducted in the postgraduate depart-
          Conflict of interest: None
                                                              ment of surgery, Government Medical College Srinagar
                                                              for 2 years from December 2010 till May 2013. This was
           1 HOD,  2-5 Senior Resident                        a prospective study and a total of 100 patients with clini-
           1-5 Department of General Surgery, Government Medical College   cally significant varicocele were included in this study.
           Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India                 Patients were divided into two groups. Group A com-
            Corresponding Author: Ishfaq A Gilkar, Senior Resident,   prised of 50 patients who underwent laparoscopic surgery
            Department of General Surgery, Government Medical College   and group B comprised of 50 patients who underwent
            Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India. e-mail: drishfaqahmedgilkar   an open approach. Majority of patients were in the age
                                                              group ranging from 12 years to 36 years (average 24 years)
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