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                                                          Laparoscopic versus open Varicocelectomy: An Observational Study
          in Group A and 10 years to 36 years (average 23 years) in  from the veins. Then, the veins were ligated by clips or by
          group B. Majority of patients presented with complaints  intracorporeal knotting. After verifying the hemostasis,
          of swelling in the left hemiscrotum, detected incidentally.  trocars were removed and incision sutured. Antiseptic
          Dragging sensation in the scrotal region was the second  laparoscopic dressings were applied.
          most common complaint. Few of the patients who were
          above 25 years of age presented with primary or second-  Open Surgery
          ary infertility. The diagnosis was established mainly by   Open high ligation of testicular veins was done under
          clinical examination and scrotal ultrasound. Majority   spinal or general anesthesia. A small muscle splitting
          of patients had a unilateral varicocele (77% in Group A   incision made at the level of the anterior superior iliac
          and 79% in Group B). The diagnosis was confirmed by   spine, and the retroperitoneal space was entered, with
          Doppler in all cases. Semen analysis was performed in   the peritoneal envelope swept medially to identify the
          patients presenting with infertility at least twice preoper-  internal spermatic vessels. These vessels were ligated
          atively and every 6 months postoperatively for 18 months.  and divided. Great care was taken to preserve testicular

                                                              artery. The external spermatic fascia was sutured, and
          SURGICAL TECHNIQUE                                  the wound was closed in layers. The antiseptic dressing

          Laparoscopic Varicocelectomy                        was applied.
          Patients were operated in supine position under general  AIM AND OBJECTIVES
          anesthesia. A urinary catheter was inserted after the induc-
          tion of anesthesia to evacuate the bladder or the patient was   To compare the outcome of laparoscopic with open vari-
          asked to void just before shifting to the operation room. Post   cocelectomy in terms of;
          induction nasogastric tube was passed to decompress the   •  Operative time.
          stomach.  A veress needle for the creation of pneumoperi-  •  Complications.
          toneum was introduced through a small infra-umbilical   •  Improvement in semen analysis after 3 months.
          incision. Then, the abdomen was inflated with CO  gas, the   •  Analgesic requirement.
          pressure maintained between 12–14 mm Hg. The head end   •  Hospital stay.
          of the bed was lowered 150 to 300 to displace the bowel away
          from the lower quadrants of the abdomen. Veress needle   RESULTS
          was replaced by 10 mm trocar and cannula after enlarging  Group A consisted of 50 patients who underwent laparo-
          the skin incision. 10mm telescope was inserted through  scopic varicocelectomy; indications for varicocelectomy
          the 10 mm trocar. Under direct vision, 2nd and 3rd trocars  were the same in all groups and included infertility,
          (10 mm and 5 mm) were bilaterally introduced through  scrotal pain, and documented abnormalities in sperm
          the incisions located in the 2/3rd distance from umbilicus  parameters (Graph 1).
          to anterior superior iliac spine. Grasper and scissors were   The operation time was calculated from trocar inser-
          used to put two perpendicular incisions into the peritoneum  tion to trocar extraction and skin closure for laparoscopic
          overlying the internal spermatic veins. The vascular mass  varicocelectomy, and from incision to skin closure in open
          was lifted to separate arterial and lymphatic components  varicocelectomy (Graph 2).

                    Graph 1: Presentation in both groups                   Graph 2: Duraton of surgery
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2018;11(2):76-80                                77
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