Page 34 - Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 34

Jitendra Kumar, Rajni Raina
          1 January 2012–1 January 2016 has been screened. Total of  abdominal wall as this helps in reducing the dead space
          thirteen cases (n = 13) of a non-midline hernia found to  and preventing the postoperative seroma formation.
          be eligible for study in term of detail availability of case   After removal of fatty deposits around the defect and
          record. Apart from demographic and clinical profile, e.g.,  thorough hemostasis, we measure defect size to plan the
          age, sex, weight, symptoms and its duration, comorbidity,  placement of adequate size of mesh.  As per recommenda-
          past history of surgery; total duration of surgery (from  tion mesh should be of a size which can overlap beyond 5
          making first incision to taking last suture), all intra and  cm. of defect margin.  In cases where mesh had to place
          postoperative events, e.g., size and location of defect,  over the defect situated near the iliac or pubic bone in
          intra and postoperative different complications, follow  the lower part of abdomen we reflected the peritoneum
          up period and reported recurrence looked in to and  after dissecting it and mesh been tacked over ligament
          evaluated in detail.                                or in some case over bone. In upper abdominal hernia
                                                              defect, we dissect the falciform ligament to place the
          Surgical Techniques                                 mesh in subcostal region properly. In our all cases we
                                                              used composite (coated polypropylene, proceed) mesh.
          All cases were done as an elective case at Lady Hardinge
          Medical College and Smt. S.K. Hospital, New Delhi. For   During defect size measurement and fixation process
          preoperative preparation, all patients were made medi-  of mesh, as per recommendation, we reduce the intra-
          cally fit in term of any associated medical comorbidities,   abdominal CO  pressure to 5–7 mm of Hg. We fixed
          diabetes control, cessation of smoking, weight reduction,   the mesh with four quadrants trans fascial suture and
          etc. Operative techniques followed according to SAGES   circumferentially double crowning with non-absorbable
          guideline and adhered to standard protocols based on   titanium tack (Protack, Covidien).  Again after being
          different recommended trials.  All cases were done   assured about hemostasis and other intra-abdominal
          under general anesthesia. All cases involving hernia   findings, we remove the trocars under vision and suture
          below umbilical line had been routinely catheterized after   the 10 mm port site with port closure needle in two-layer
          induction of anesthesia and catheter was removed soon   while rest of the port been closed with only one layer
          after completion of surgery. Strict antiseptic and aseptic   of skin closure. We usually place large cotton ball com-
          protocols have been followed.                       pression elastic pressure dressing over the large defect
             The procedure starts with the creation of pneumoperi-  thinking to reduce postoperative seroma. Postoperatively
          toneum by a close technique using veres needle mostly at   for inspection of port site wound and hernial site, we
          palmer point or infra/supra umbilical location depending   removed the dressing of the wound after 48 hours.
          on the location of a hernia. First port inserted blindly and
          rest of the port under camera vision. In all cases, three   RESULTS

          ports, one camera 10–11 mm and two working port of  During four years, 13 cases of nonmidline abdominal
          5 mm has been used. Placement of ports depends on site  wall hernia found to be operated by the main author.
          of a hernia. Mostly port has been placed on the lateral  Out of thirteen cases, ten (76.92%) were female, and three
          side of the abdomen with camera port in the center and  (23.07%) were male with their mean age of 43 +/– 9.30
          at the possible distant location from defect area.  After  years (SD = 11.41). The range for age were 24–64 years.
          a thorough inspection of inside the abdomen first thing  Mean weight of the patients were 72.846 kg (SD = 13.369)
          we do is adhesiolysis using electrocautery or a harmonic  in range of 52–98 kg (Table 1).
          scalpel. A lot of patience and precautions are required for   The average duration of hospital stay for the patients
          this step to prevent complication like bowel injury. Then  were 6.61 days (SD = 4.17) in range of 3–19 days. Average
          reduction of the abdominal contents from the hernia  follow-up periods were 21.15 months (SD = 11.857) in
          sac performed gently and carefully. We do not close the  range of 1–40 months (Table 1)
          defect or approximate its margin by any means, rather we   All patients were having a common complaint of
          pull the redundant sac and tack this to adjoining normal  swelling, with five patients (38.46%) having pain along

                                Table 1: Epidemiological parameters and different time durations for patients
           Parameters                         Range                 Average/Mean          Std. deviation (SD)
           Age (in years)                     24–64                 43 +/– 9.30           11.41
           Sex                                               Female = 10 (76.92%) and Male = 3 (23.07%)
           Weight (in kg.)                    52–98                 72.846                13.369
           Duration of symptoms (in months)   03–108                30.157
           Duration of hospital stay (in days)  03–19               6.61                  4.17
           Follow-up period (in months)       01–40                 21.15                 11.857
   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39