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                                                                               A decade of Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy
          rate and adenomas a 10%. Chi-squared analyses showed  supports the growing body of evidence stating that a
          there was no relationship between complications and  large tumor size is not an absolute contraindication to
          size of a tumor, nor pathology of a tumor. Four cases  laparoscopy.
          (~4%) were partial adrenalectomies, of which one was an   Quite a large number (40%) of cases were incidentalomas,
          incidentaloma. Complication rates were exactly equal for  demonstrating how increasing usage of broader imaging
          cases in the public or private hospital. 6% of cases predicted  modalities (such as high-resolution CT) have changed
          a pathology which was different on the final pathology.   the caseload for adrenalectomies.  There was also no
                                                              significant difference in complication rate for different
          DISCUSSION                                          tumor pathologies, which would indicate that it is safe to
          Published complication rates range from 7.5–12%, 20-22  so a   use the laparoscopic approach for metastatic tumor deposits
          complication rate of 8% is comparable to the lower end of   and pheochromocytomas. Interestingly there was one case
          this range. It is also interesting to note that there was no   of high blood pressure and heart rate when operating on
          difference between public and private complication rates.  a pheochromocytoma, demonstrating that despite the
             Looking at the data for the operative time it is clear   laparoscopic approach being the most appropriate 14,29  the
          that as the number of cases performed by surgeons in   risk of an androgenic crisis must be mitigated. 14,15   There were
          this area increased, there was a decrease in operative   also a small number of tumors where the final pathology
          time, particularly after 2008. Other procedures have   did not match the expected pathology, mostly where
          been analyzed to look at the learning curve, including   asymptomatic tumors were predicted to be adenomas and
          laparoscopic cholecystectomy,  laparoscopic colorectal   had different characteristics after microscopic pathological
          surgery,  laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair  and   examination (e.g., ganglioneuroma, pheochromocytoma,
          laparoscopic fundoplication.  These studies all measured   metastatic deposit).
          operative time and complication rate to determine a    There were only a small number of partial adrena-
          learning curve expressed as a number of cases before   lectomies in this study, and they were not predominantly
          stabilization  of  these  two  variables.  As  an  exercise,   used for incidentalomas. While Kaye, Storey 19 strongly
          measuring the learning curve of a procedure is      support increased use of partial adrenalectomy for small
          potentially useful for training purposes, but also is useful   tumors, it has not become common practice in most places,
          from a health economics perspective as operating theatre   as demonstrated by the small number of cases in this study.
          costs are likely higher during the learning phase.  In   While there is an increasing number of studies supporting
          this study, half of the complications documented were   the use of partial adrenalectomy as it retains functional
          within the first three years of adrenalectomy, before the   adrenal tissue 30-33  there are still instances where it is seen
          significant decrease in surgeon time. Therefore, it would   to be less effective  which may explain why it remains a
          seem that the complications and operative time stabilized   less common procedure.
          after 2008. Because the number of cases each surgeon
          performed per year was not recorded, we cannot express  CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE
          this as a number of cases. However, the same surgeons   Overall, the results of this study add to the current body
          were operating for the whole decade and so we can say   of research demonstrating that the laparoscopic approach
          that there was a demonstrable learning curve.       to adrenalectomy is safe and effective in a variety of
             The data in Table 2 shows the complication rate for   tumor sizes and pathologies. It also neatly demonstrates
          each size group of a tumor. As there was no significant   diminishing operative time as surgeon experience
          difference in complication rates between the three   increased over a decade, demonstrating a considerable
          categories of tumor size it supports the idea that both small   learning curve in performing this procedure. While there
          and large tumors can be approached laparoscopically.   are now moves towards retroperitoneal and other novel
          Despite early concerns about the feasibility and safety of   approaches, it is useful to evaluate the usefulness of the
          approaching large tumors laparoscopically, our findings   standard laparoscopic approach now that it is possible to
          are backed up by a number of more recent papers and
                                                              look at data over longer periods of time.

                    Table 2: Tumor size and complications
                                               Complication   REFERENCES
                       Number of   Number of   rate for size     1.  Guazzoni G, Montorsi F, Bocciardi A, Da Pozzo L, Rigatti P,
           Tumour size  cases      complications  group (%)       Lanzi R, et al. Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Versus Open
           < 4 cm      32          4           13                 Adrenalectomy for Benign Hyperfunctioning Adrenal
           4–6 cm      25          1           4                  Tumors: A Comparative Study. The Journal of Urology. 1994
           > 6 cm      29          3           10                 May;153(5):1597-1600.
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2018;11(2):81-84                                83
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