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                                                                 Laparoscopic Repair of Non-midline Abdominal Wall Hernia

          Laparoscopic Repair of Non-midline Abdominal Wall

          Hernia: Retrospective Analysis of Cases done by
          a Single Surgeon in the Past Four Years

          1 Jitendra Kumar,  Rajni Raina

          ABSTRACT                                            Analysis of Cases done by a Single Surgeon in the Past Four
                                                              Years. World J Lap Surg 2018;11(2):85-89.
          Aim: Abdominal wall ventral hernias are either midline or non-
          midline. Non-midline abdominal wall hernias are not a common   Source of support: Nil
          entity and even rarer is a lateral ventral hernia. Laparoscopic
          management of these hernias are surgically challenging, and   Conflict of interest: None
          outcomes are unpredictable. This study aims to evaluate and
          analyze the results of laparoscopic repair of comparatively rare  INTRODUCTION
          non-midline hernias done at the tertiary teaching hospital in the
          span of last four years.                            Abdominal wall hernia represents the hernias coming
          Material and methods: For this retrospective descriptive study,   out through defects in the abdominal wall fascia and
          from record file, all cases of laparoscopic ventral hernia repair  muscle through which intra-abdominal or pre-peritoneal
          done in the last four years (from 01/01/2012 to 01/01/2016) by  contents protrudes out. It can be either spontaneous or as
          the main author at Lady Hardinge Medical College screened   a consequence of past surgery involving incision of the
          and out of these, total of thirteen cases (n-13) of non-midline
          ventral hernia selected for their data analysis.    abdominal wall. Most of the time abdominal wall hernia
                                                              tends to originate out of the midline probably through
          Results: Out of total thirteen cases (n = 13), a large percentage   linea alba or weak midline vertical scar.  Although
          was of female gender (76.92%), their mean age of the patients were
          43 +/- 9.30 years. (SD = 11.41). Range 24–64 years. Most of     abdominal wall hernias in its mid-line anatomical loca-
          the patients were overweight with mean weight was 72.846 kg.   tion whether spontaneous or incisional are very common,
          (SD = 13.369). Mean operating time were 78.84 minutes (SD = 22.62)   non-midline abdominal wall hernias are comparatively
          (range 60-120 minutes). One patient (7.69%) had developed chronic   rare entity and even rarer is spontaneous lateral abdomi-
          infected discharging sinus which ultimately required removal of         2
          mesh. Same and only patient in our series reported recurrence   nal wall ventral hernia.
          which makes an overall percentage of recurrence 07.69%.  Even though non-midline or lateral abdominal wall
                                                              hernias are rare occurrences and its management and
          Conclusion: Even though non-midline abdominal wall hernias
          are comparatively atypical in its presentation and challenging   outcome is not as simple as other ventral abdominal
          for the laparoscopic surgeon, overall patient’s epidemiology,  wall hernias, available data’s or literature in respect of
          the surgical outcome in term of recurrence and complications  this is very limited. Even textbooks have not dedicated
          are not much different.                             any separate chapter in respect of non-midline or lateral

          Clinical significance: Presentation of a non-midline hernia is  abdominal wall hernias.
          atypical and surgically complex which require an experience   In 1992, Leblanc first reported the repair of abdominal
          to handle it.
                                                              wall ventral hernia by laparoscopic route. He performed
          Keywords: Complex hernia, Non-midline ventral hernia,   the surgery using four to five port and all repairs were
          Lateral abdominal wall hernia, Non-midline incisional hernia,   made using 1-mm-thick expanded polytetrafluoroeth-
          Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair.
                                                              ylene patches inserted intraperitoneally and stapled to
          How to cite this article: Kumar J, Raina R. Laparoscopic   the anterior abdominal wall over the defects, making
          Repair of Non-midline Abdominal Wall Hernia: Retrospective
                                                              use of intra-abdominal pressure to secure the repair.
                                                              Since then laparoscopic repair of ventral abdominal wall
                                                              hernia has evolved rapidly and now been considered as
           1 Assistant Professor,  Specialist
                                                              well accepted and preferred approach for management
           1 Department of Surgery, Lady Hardinge Medical College and   of abdominal wall ventral hernia.
           Smt. S. K. Hospital, New Delhi, India
           2 Department of Anaesthesia. Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar Medical
           College and Hospital, New Delhi, India             MATERIALS AND METHODS
           Corresponding Author:  Jitendra Kumar, Assistant Professor,   For this retrospective descriptive study, the record of all
           Department of Surgery, Lady Hardinge Medical College and Smt.   cases of non-midline ventral hernia repaired laparoscopi-
           S. K. Hospital, New Delhi, India, email:
                                                              cally by the main author himself during the period from
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2018;11(2):85-89                                85
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