Page 60 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Limited Value of Laparoscopy for Diagnosis of Tubal Peristalsis
            Table 2: Laparoscopic findings
                                                    Group A (n = 59)                Group B (n = 56)
                                                Right            Left           Right            Left     p-value
            FT length
               Normal                         45 (76.3%)      45 (76.3%)       10 (17.9%)      8 (14.3%)   0.000
               Shortened but patent           14 (23.7%)      14 (23.7%)       2 (3.6%)        1 (1.8%)
               Hydrosalpinx                    0 (0.0%)        0 (0.0%)        44 (78.6%)     47 (83.9%)
            FT width
               Normal                         45 (76.3%)      45 (76.3%)       12 (21.4%)      9 (16.1%)   0.000
               Distended                      14 (23.7%)      14 (23.7%)       0 (0.0%)        0 (0.0%)
               Hydrosalpinx                    0 (0.0%)        0 (0.0%)        44 (78.6%)     47 (83.9%)
            Peritubal adhesions
               No                             35 (59.3%)      32 (57.1%)       32 (57.1%)     16 (27.1%)   0.972
               Fine                           16 (27.1%)      16 (28.6%)       16 (28.6%)     37 (62.7%)
               Extensive                        8 (13.6%)       8 (14.3%)        8 (14.3%)      6 (10.2%)
            Positive perchromation test
              Right                            59 (100.0%)      59 (100.0%)    11 (19.6%)       9 (16.1%)  0.000

            Table 3: Laparoscopic and hysteroscopic peristalses
                           Group A (118 FT)     Group B (112 FT)     Group B (91 FT) a       Total positive test
                          Right      Left      Right      Left     Right      Left    Group A   Group B  Group B
                         (59 FT)    (59 FT)   (56 FT)    (56 FT)   (44 FT)   (47 FT)  (118 FT)  (112 FT)  (91 FT) a
            Laparoscopic distal peristalsis test
              Positive    3 (0.05%)    2 (0.03%)    4 (0.07%)    1 (0.17%)    2 (0.04%)    1 (0.02%)  10 (8.4%)  2 (1.7%)  0 (0%)
              Negative  56 (94.9%)  57 (96.6%)  52 (46.4%)  55 (98.2%)  42 (46%)  46 (50.5%)
            Hysteroscopic proximal peristalsis test
              Positive  42 (71.2%)  38 (64.4%)  24 (42.9%)  18 (32.1%)    6 (13.6%)    7 (14.9%)  80 (67.8%)  42 (37.5%)  13 (14%)
              Negative  17 (28.8%)  21 (35.6%)  32 (57%)  38 (67.8%)  38 (86.3%)  40 (85%)
            a After exclusion of unilateral normal FT

            Table 4: Diagnostic indices of different hysteroscopic tests in relation to laparoscopy
                           True positive     True negative     False positive             False negative
                        Right     Left     Right     Left    Right     Left         Right              Left
            Peristalsis  43 37.4%  39 33.9%  32 27.8%  38 33.04%  24 20.9%  18 15.7%  16 13.9%       20 17.4%
            (n = 115)
                           Sensitivity        Specificity          PPV               NPV             Accuracy
                        Right     Left     Right     Left    Right     Left     Right     Left    Right    Left
            Peristalsis  72.9%   66.1%     57.1%    67.9%    64.2%    68.4%     66.7%    65.5%   65.2%    66.9%
                      (59.7–83.6)  (52.6–77.9) (43.2–70.3)  (54–79.7)  (56.1–60.7) (58.7–76.8) (55.4–76.3) (56–73.9) (55.8–73.9) (57.6–75.4)
            NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value

            group B failed to visualize peristalsis due to the negative effects of   Author contrIbutIons
            hydrosalpingeal fluid. 23
               This study’s limitations include its relatively small sample   Atef Darwish conceptualized this study, performed all operations,
            size (because of the rarity of cases of hydrosalpinx), use of   wrote and revised the study. Dina Darwish collected data and
            general anesthesia, and selection of the postmenstrual phase for   revised the study.
            hysteroscopic optimal imaging of the proximal region of the FT. This
            study’s findings support the conclusion that laparoscopic evaluation   dAtA AvAIlAbIlIty stAteMent
            of distal FT peristalsis, whether for healthy or pathologic FT, is of   All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in
            limited utility and is not advised. Its effectiveness is significantly   this article. Further enquiries can be directed to the corresponding
            lower than the hysteroscopic evaluation of proximal FT peristalsis.  author.

                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 16 Issue 1 (January–April 2023)  59
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