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Limited Value of Laparoscopy for Diagnosis of Tubal Peristalsis
            type of pelvic adhesions. On the other hand, if one or both FTs were   Table 1: Basic preoperative data
            distended with the dye and showed a characteristic increased tubal   Variables  Group A (n = 59) Group B (n = 56)  p-value
            size with distal occlusion (hydrosalpinx), the patient was allocated
            in group B. Sustained observation of any rhythmic contractions   Age (years)   25.90 ± 5.08  25.96 ± 4.81  0.943
                                                                (mean ± SD)
            and relaxation of the distal end for 1 minute was done to assess
            distal FT peristalsis. If FT was inaccessible, it would be grasped   Parity
            by atraumatic forceps and kept in place by elevation of the   Nullipara  21 (35.6%)  19 (33.9%)  0.851
            mesosalpinx of its middle part against the lateral pelvic wall while   Para  38 (64.4%)  37 (66.1%)
            observing its distal end. At the end of the laparoscopic assessment,   BMI (kg/m )   25.32 ± 4.64  25.59 ± 4.50  0.755
            diagnostic hysteroscopy was done as previously described.  To   (mean ± SD)
            properly visualize the proximal part of the FT by hysteroscopy, all   History of PID  5 (8.5%)  27 (48.2%)     0.000*
            procedures were done in the follicular phase. The corneal ends
            were meticulously evaluated to comment on Darwish hysteroscopic   History of operation  18 (30.5%)  26 (46.4%)  0.079
            triad.  Darwish hysteroscopic triad is formed of a conical part of   Infertility
            the FT seen by hysteroscopy. Its base is the ostium, its walls are   Primary  22 (37.3%)  20 (35.7%)  0.861
            converging first millimeters of the intramural part, and its summit   Secondary  37 (62.7%)  36 (64.3%)
            is a distal pinhole dark spot representing the narrowest part of   Residence
            the FT. Darwish hysteroscopic triad was assessed for any anatomic
            abnormality and simultaneous visualization of rhythmic opening   Urban  32 (54.2%)  30 (53.6%)  0.943
            and closing (peristalsis) on maintained intrauterine pressure.   Rural  27 (45.8%)  26 (46.4%)
            The primary outcome was to estimate distal and proximal FT.   *Highly significant
            The Statistical Program for Social Science version 24 was used to
            analyze the data. Quantitative data were expressed as mean ± SD.   paradoxical peristalses of proximal and distal FTs that move in
            Qualitative data were expressed as frequency and percentage. The   opposite directions to draw sperm and oocyte to the ampulla,
            independent-sample t-test (T) and Mann–Whitney U tests were used   respectively. 5,14  Intensifying the interface between hormones and
            to compare two means of normally and abnormally distributed   nutrients and the eggs or embryos  is another role of FT peristalsis,
            data, respectively. The Chi-square test was used when comparing   which helps with proper fertilization as well as early embryo
            nonparametric data. Probability (p-value) < 0.05 was considered   development and transportation. 16
            significant (S), < 0.001 was considered highly significant and > 0.05   Tubal function assessment in clinical practice is entirely based
            was considered nonsignificant. All the STrengthening the Reporting   on FT patency by various diagnostic techniques.  Additionally,
            of OBservational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) guidelines were   some studies justified this by pointing out the limited technical
            followed during the preparation of the manuscript.  accessibility and ethical constraints of invasive tests of tubal
                                                               physiology.  Under the influence of several reproductive
                                                               hormones, the contractility of circular and longitudinal strips from
            results                                            excised FT was evaluated in vitro.  However, there were not enough
            According to the laparoscopic status of the FT, two groups of   data to compare oviduct ciliary activity to muscle contraction in
            infertile women who underwent concurrent laparoscopic and   transit.  Trials of FT peristalsis in vivo measurements are rare. For
            hysteroscopic evaluations of infertility were studied. Group A   example, it was done in some patients who underwent laparotomy
            included 59 patients with apparently healthy FTs, while group   or tubal occlusion repair. Throughout the whole menstrual cycle,
            B included 56 cases with unilateral or bilateral hydrosalpingies   they inserted two to three fluid-filled FT catheters to measure
            (swollen and distally obstructed FT). Sociodemographic information   the peristaltic waves.  Utilizing straightforward, relevant, and
            for both groups is shown in Table 1. Laparoscopic appearance   useful technologies, more research on FT peristalsis is urgently
            and chromopertubation tests in both groups are seen in Table 2.   required.  To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first
            Laparoscopic detection of distal tubal peristalsis either in normal or   to employ laparoscopy to visualize distal tubal peristalsis in vivo.
            hydrosalpingeal FT was low [5 (4.2%) and 5 (4.4%)] in both groups,   Due to direct and simple access, laparoscopy is supposed to be
            respectively, as demonstrated in Table 3. After the exclusion of cases   suitable for this goal. Unfortunately, this study revealed a low rate
            with unilateral patent FT from group B, the percentage dropped to   of peristalsis in the FT that appeared to be normal and a very low
            3.2% (only three FT). Moreover, hysteroscopic detection of proximal   rate in the FT that was pathological. This may be attributed to the
            tubal peristalsis was significantly higher in group A [80 (67.8%) vs   detrimental effects of CO  gas on tubal physiology, which may
            40 (35.7%)] in total group B. Table 4 shows diagnostic indices of   result in the deterioration of the peritoneal (serosal) integrity  or
            hysteroscopic detection of proximal FT peristalsis in both groups.  a general anesthetic impact, including muscle relaxants, which is
                                                               counteracted by regional anesthesia in other studies.  Another
                                                               possibility is the postmenstrual period timing of all cases, which was
            dIscussIon                                         suitable for proper hysteroscopic visualization of the proximal FT
            The FT is a dynamic, paired organ  that responds to steroid   but not ideal for the observation of the distal section. To determine
            hormones and has a sensitive anatomical, physiological,   the precise percentage of distal peristalsis induced by progesterone,
            neurological, and histologic makeup. To aid in ovum pick-up and   another study in the periovulatory period is needed. Without
            fertilization, a functional FT should be anatomically patent and   scientific support, there is a consensus that distal FT peristalsis
            physiologically active. It is interesting to note that there are two   would be evident at ovulation to help oocyte pickup. Additionally,

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