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Clinical Profile and Laparoscopic Management of Hiatus Hernia

            Fig. 4: Reasons for surgical management            Fig. 6: Reflux symptoms

                                                               “erosive” includes those that show esophageal mucosal injury. The
                                                               NERD group includes signs of esophageal mucosal injury but no
                                                               endoscopic proof of it. In NERD, PPIs have a low symptom response
                                                               rate.  Women report heartburn and regurgitation symptoms more
                                                               frequently than men do.  In the adult population of the US, the
                                                               incidence of GERD is 5 per 1,000 person-years. Our study, however,
                                                               saw a ratio of 2:1 for men and women, respectively, mostly in the
                                                               51–60 years age-group.
                                                                  According to a retrospective study by the Stanford University
                                                               School of Medicine, heartburn and acid regurgitation were the
                                                               most prevalent symptoms in the cohort, and they were all resistant
                                                               to PPI medication.  Dysphagia and chest discomfort were not the
                                                               most common complaints. In our study, 72% had reflux symptoms
                                                               of which epigastric discomfort was the most prevalent. While
                                                               loss of appetite was observed in 13.3% cases and other dyspeptic
                                                               symptoms were far less common.
                                                                  The AGA clinical practice update states that if persistent
            Fig. 5: Dyspepsia symptoms
                                                               heartburn, regurgitation, and/or noncardiac chest pain do not
                                                               respond sufficiently to a PPI trial, or if warning symptoms exist,
            for long term (17%, n = 2; Fig. 5). Laparoscopic fundoplication   doctors should perform an endoscopy. Thereafter, in the absence
            is the standard surgical treatment for GERD and has very low   of erosive reflux disease (Los Angeles B or greater) or long-segment
            complication rates. In our study, 40% of patients (n = 12) underwent   (3 cm) Barrett’s esophagus, it is recommended to perform prolonged
            laparoscopic fundoplication. We observed that only 1 out of these   wireless pH monitoring off medication (96 hours recommended if
            12 patients who underwent surgery had immediate postoperative   feasible) to confirm and characterize GERD.  We concluded that
            complications of subcutaneous emphysema and postoperative   while upper GI endoscopy was the most basic investigation showing
            urinary retention. Two other patients had remote postoperative   an underlying abnormality for the reflux in 38.5% of cases, other
            complications with loose stools and tightness or symptoms relapse   investigations were more specific to demonstrate the reflux per se.
            with reflux symptoms (p-value < 0.05) (Fig. 6).    In individuals treated empirically and in those with endoscopy-
               On routine follow-up of all patients treated surgically for
            GERD, 67% (p-value = 0.007) had complete symptomatic relief   negative reflux disease, PPIs are more efficient than H2RAs, but
            even up to 6 months of treatment. This was in contrast to medical   H2RAs are also beneficial.
            management, wherein only 22% of patients had long-term   Refractory symptoms (symptoms that may or may not be
            symptomatic relief.                                related to GERD), refractory GERD symptoms (symptoms that
                                                               persist in individuals with established GERD regardless of relation to
                                                               continuous reflux), and refractory GERD should all be distinguished
            dIscussIon                                         from one another.  About 56.7% of patients had symptomatic
            According to the Montreal Classification and Description, Global   relief with medical management, but others presented later with
            Consensus Group, GERD is a disorder that develops when   symptom persistent and were taken for further evaluation. An
            stomach acid refluxes into the esophagus and creates bothersome   initial management strategy that places a strong emphasis on
            symptoms and/or issues. There are two types of GERD: erosive and   the proper use of PPIs will result in a complete response in about
            nonerosive reflux disease (NERD). The class of symptoms known as   80% of patients. 2

                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 16 Issue 1 (January–April 2023)  23
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