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Study of Selection of Method of Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair
            Table 15: Duration of surgery                      Table 17: Postoperative complications
                                  Mean      Udwadia             Complication              %      TEP (%)  TAPP (%)
            Type of surgery   N   (time in minutes)   Tehemton   MRC trial   Hematoma     0         0       0
            Laparoscopic   30      90         67.5     58.4     Seroma                    4         3       1
            hernia repair
                                                                Wound infection           2         0       2
                                                                Scrotal edema             2         0       2
            Table 16: Intraoperative complications              Urinary retention         0         0       0
            Complication             Present study (%)  MRC trial (%)  Shoulder pain      4         0       4
            Bladder injury                 0           2
            Common iliac artery injury     0           1          Other unique complications of laparoscopic surgeries are port
            Lateral femoral cut; nerve injury  0       1       site hernias, hemorrhage due to injury to epigastric and gonadal
                                                               vessels, hypotension, hypercapnia, and subcutaneous emphysema.
                                                                  Minor intraoperative complications such as subcutaneous
               This may be due to the difficult initial learning curve in   emphysema were encountered in 24% of cases of TEP, and it
            laparoscopic hernia repair. The time taken to perform laparoscopic   was never found in TAPP repair. Surgical emphysema was noted
            repair also depends on the type of hernia (direct/indirect) and   in 48% patients of bilateral TEP repair and 56% patients of
            size of the defect. Encircling the cord in laparoscopic indirect   pneumoperitoneum due to peritoneal breach encountered in a
            inguinal hernia repair is challenging as compared to direct inguinal   study by Philips et al. Pneumoperitoneum was easily managed by
            hernia repair, therefore requiring more time in indirect hernias. In   insertion of Veres needle at Palmer’s point or repair of the peritoneal
            laparoscopic TEP repair, there is the possibility of an accidental tear   rent. No active management is required for subcutaneous
            in the peritoneum. It can cause seepage of carbon dioxide into the   emphysema. It usually resolves with time.
            abdominal cavity. This decreases the working preperitoneal space.
            Also, repair of the peritoneal tear has to be done. This can increase   Postoperative Complications
            the operative time for TEP repair in such cases.   In our study, the postoperative complications such as hematoma,
               In our study, there were 12 cases of bilateral direct inguinal   seroma, wound infection, scrotal edema, urinary retention, and
            hernia repair done laparoscopically. For bilateral inguinal hernias   shoulder pain were reported in 0, 4, 2, 2, 0, and 4% cases in the
            repair, TEP is simple because there is the creation of common   laparoscopic hernia repair group (Table 17).
            preperitoneal space for repair on both sides by balloon. Whereas   In the study done by Tehemton et al. wound infection rates
            in TAPP, different peritoneal flaps have to be made. This is proven   were significantly lower after laparoscopic techniques (1%). Also, a
            by our study, as the average time taken for bilateral TEP was 100   surgical site infection (SSI) of 0.6–1.5% was observed by McCormack
            minutes, and for TAPP was 140 minutes.             et al.  and Schmedt et al. in the laparoscopic method. Our study
                                                               has comparable results with the above study regarding wound
            Intraoperative Complications                       infection. Wound infection at the port site is managed with regular
            Laparoscopic hernia repair can be faced with serious intraoperative   cleaning and dressing. One of the advantages of laparoscopic hernia
            complications (Table 16). When laparoscopic hernia was newly   repair is decreased incidence of SSI. A single shot of preoperative
            developed these complications were encountered more often,   antibiotic can drastically lower the chances of postoperative SSI.
            but it was due to the lack of the number of surgeries performed   Probable causes of SSI were high volume centers, not maintaining
            with this method and hence experience was minimal. Few studies   proper aseptic and antiseptic protocols, local site skin infections,
            and trials showed common injuries during laparoscopic surgeries;   lack of hygiene, and lack of usage of postoperative antibiotics. in our
            according to the MRC trial,  three complications were common   study, 2% of cases operated by TAPP developed port site infection
            during TAPP surgeries, which were bladder injury, lateral femoral   most probably due to missed intraperitoneal infection. It is less
            cutaneous nerve injury, and common iliac artery injury. About   in TEP as we remain outside the peritoneum while performing
            15 visceral and vascular injuries were reported in TAPP repair by   surgery and the peritoneum act as a barrier for infection to reach
            the laparoscopic group of the European Union Hernia Trialists   the port side.
            Collaboration. Two bladder injuries were reported while performing   In our study, no incidence of hematoma was recorded. In the

            TAPP during the  clinical study (SCUR).  Vascular injuries of 0.42%   study done by Tehemton et al.,the incidence of inguinal hematoma
            and visceral injuries of 0.11% were reported in the study of Brittner   was found to be significantly lower after the laparoscopic repairs

            et al. 2011. As mentioned previously, due to lack of exposure to   (13.1%). McCormack et al. encountered 8.7% hematoma; Schmedt
            such surgeries, herniation of small bowel loops through incomplete   et al. found hematoma in 13.1%. Contrary to this, Phillips et al.
            sheath closure at the port site causing obstruction that occurred   had 0% hematoma in their patients. The incidence of hematoma
            more often, but they were gradually recognized and with sheath   formation in laparoscopic repair is comparatively low.
            closure compulsorily performed their incidence has decreased.  In our study, 4% of laparoscopic hernia repair patients develop
               In our study, there were no major complications such as major   seroma. In a study done by Tehemton et al., seroma formation was
            vascular injury, or visceral injury in laparoscopic inguinal hernia   observed in (10%) by laparoscopic techniques. This shows that there
            repair. These major complications are not usually witnessed in open   is an increased incidence of seroma in laparoscopic repair, making
            inguinal hernia repair surgeries as there is no dissection in deeper   it a disadvantage. The reason is, increase dissection is required in
            planes in open inguinal hernia repair surgeries.   laparoscopic repair either to make preperitoneal space or to make

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