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Study of Selection of Method of Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair
had previous lower abdominal and pelvic surgery in the space of defects are missed. Both TEP and TAPP have equal benefits in such
Retzius as it provides a wider approach to groin anatomy. Hernial cases.
sac contents can be easily seen with TAPP while it is not possible In both techniques of TAPP and TEP learning curve is more
to see the content in the case of TEP. In this domain, TAPP is better compared to open surgery while among both the laparoscopic
than TEP. In the case of unilateral inguinal hernia if we perform TEP methods of hernia repair learning curve in TEP is technically longer
and if the patient develops a hernia on the opposite side later on than TAPP.
in his/her life span then TAPP will be the surgery of choice because Both TEP and TAPP have a steep learning curve and fearsome
due to previous TEP repair preperitoneal space creation again by complications but once mastered, it is the safest and most
TEP method will become troublesome. efficacious technique. Because of the advantages and disadvantage
The patient selected for TEP repair is a unilateral as well as of both techniques one should learn both of them.
bilateral inguinal hernia but more useful for bilateral direct inguinal
hernias, as it allows common preperitoneal space dissection. orcId
Chances of potentially serious intraoperative complications
like bladder injury, bowel perforation, and vascular injury are not Ronak Modi
commonly witnessed with both TEP and TAPP.
Fewer chances of scrotal edema in TEP compared to TAPP in references
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20 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 16 Issue 1 (January–April 2023)