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Study of Selection of Method of Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair
            the peritoneal flap. In our observation low incidence is mainly   Table 18: Recurrence
            due to meticulous dissection during surgery, packing with gauze   Recurrence   Current study (%)  MRC trial (%)
            pieces at the hernial defect site, and strapping with dynaplast to
            decrease the potential space for seroma collection. We can also   Laparoscopic repair   0    1.9
            prevent seroma formation by tucking pseudosac to the posterior
            abdominal wall with tacker and decreasing the potential space for   Hence, there is evidence as per our study that laparoscopic
            seroma formation. We observed more seroma formation in TAPP   surgeries show significant differences in both postoperative and
            which is about 3% out of the 4% of indirect hernia patients in our   persistent pain.
            study mainly because of excessive dissection and pulling of the
            indirect hernial sac from the deep ring making it difficult to do   Recurrence
            hemostasis beyond deep ring which may be the cause. No active   In our study, we found 0% recurrence in laparoscopic hernia repair
            management is required for seroma. The seroma usually subsides   cases. MRC laparoscopic hernia trial group found a 1.9% recurrence
            within a month. We advise never to aspirate the seroma as it may   rate in the laparoscopic group. Results of recurrence are comparable
            introduce infection from outside into the seroma.  for both TEP and TAPP in our study (Table 18). The most common
               A total of 2% of our patients developed scrotal edema   reason for recurrence is improper dissection and separation of the
            postoperatively in TAPP, and none of our TEP patients had   hernial sac which might cause its inadequate reduction or other
            developed scrotal edema. Mainly observed in patients with   additional defects or hernias may be missed.  Incomplete mesh
            large complete indirect hernial defects; as such defects require   placement as in not covering the defect completely, the small
            excessive dissection and mobilization and the indirect sac can   size of mesh or not taking into account the contraction of mesh is
            be dissected more meticulously by TEP as compared to TAPP   another major reason for recurrence. It is now generally believed
            according to our experience. No active management is required.   that the mesh size should be at least 10 cm × 14 cm  to cover all of
            The edema usually subsides within a month. We have prescribed   the potential hernia sites, to provide at least 4-cm overlap with the
            chymotrypsin–trypsinogen and serratiopeptidase combination for   hernia, and to avoid problems with mesh migration, shrinkage, and
            oedema treatment.                                  rolling. We kept 12 cm × 15-cm-sized mesh in both TEP and TAPP.
               In our study, 4% of the cases experienced shoulder pain in TAPP,
            which may be due to diaphragmatic irritation caused by carbon  Duration of Hospital Stay
            dioxide insufflation to create pneumoperitoneum, and this minor   The mean duration of the hospital was found to be 2.17 days for
            complication is never faced in TEP as pneumo preperitoneum is   the laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair. Since ours is a teaching
            created rather than pneumoperitoneum.              institution the minimum time taken from admission to surgery is
               Mesh infection is also a troublesome complication that requires   around 1 day hence making the duration of stay apparently longer.
            the removal of the mesh. Mycobacterium other than tuberculosis   Choi et al.  had a mean hospital stay of 1.4 days for the laparoscopic
            (MOTT) can be cultured from infected mesh. Luckily, we did not   method. Similarly, Phillips et al. in their study found a mean stay
            encounter this kind of complication in our study because the mesh
            and mesh fixation devices used were sterilized by ethyline oxide   of 1.91 days for the laparoscopic method. This shows, there is
            sterilisation (ETO), and we usually take laparoscopic hernia as the   decreased hospital stay in laparoscopic surgery. The mean duration
            first operation in our operative list to prevent infection.  of hospital stay in our study for TEP was 2.1 and for TAPP was 2.24.
                                                               it is showing no major difference in hospital stay for TEP vs TAPP.
            Postoperative Pain
            In our study, postoperative pain at 1 week of surgery was 26%   Cost of Surgery
            which was of mild grade that is P1 according to VAS score in both   The increased cost of surgery is a major drawback of laparoscopic
            TEP and TAPP laparoscopic repair method. No significant difference   hernia repair, and this increased cost is due to more expensive

            was found according to the SCUR trialfor graded pain scores on the   equipment, longer operative time, and more operative charges
            7-day postoperative visit. During this visit, 72% of patients in the   claimed by surgeons. Accurate evaluation of operative cost based
            laparoscopic group, reported no pain. The veterans affairs (VA) trial   on the type of procedure (TEP/TAPP), type and length of anesthesia,
            found significantly less pain on the day of the operation and at 2   and the number of tackers used to fix the mesh. Laparoscopic
            weeks in both TEP and TAPP methods by using a VAS.   instruments require a special sterilization technique (ETO), which
               Chronic pain is sometimes a debilitating complication for the   also increases the cost. In the case of TAPP if the peritoneum flap
            patient and a more difficult problem for the surgeon to treat than   is closed by the tackers, then as compared to TEP cost of surgery
            perioperative pain and also the spectrum of severity is wide. Hence,   increases, and if the peritoneum flap is closed by intracorporeal
            this makes it more important for successful inguinal hernia repair.  suturing then the length of surgery will increase so in this domain
               In our study, postoperative pain at 3 months of surgery was   TEP is better compared to TAPP.
            found in only two patients (2%) in TAPP cases for which we could
            not find any reasons. None of our TEP patients had postoperative
            pain post 3-months follow-up. The laparoscopic group in the MRC   conclusIon
            trial, at 1 year after the operation, had a significantly lower rate of   The TAPP repair is useful in special circumstances like when there is
            persistent groin pain. In the VA trial, incidence of neuralgia or other   diagnostic uncertainty if a hernia is present or not in a patient whose
            pain post 1 year after the operation was 9.8% in the laparoscopic   history and physical examination are unclear also in uncomplicated
            group. Significantly a smaller number of cases of pain persisting   irreducible hernias or large-sized hernias. We can also look for the
            post 1 year of either surgery was found according to The European   undiagnosed opposite-site hernia in TAPP as compared to TEP.
            Union meta-analysis. 8                             Also, TAPP is preferred over TEP in patients with a hernia who have

                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 16 Issue 1 (January–April 2023)  19
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