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Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Gangrenous Cholecystitis
            examination [leukocytosis, total serum bilirubin (TSB), aspartate   Gangrenous cholecystitis is a rare but serious complication of
            transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (APT) and serum   AC. The pathophysiology is GB distension resulting in increased
            creatinine]. Preoperative radiological findings on contrast-  tension and pressure on the GB wall. The distension leads to
            enhanced computerized tomography (CECT) of the abdomen   ischemic changes and necrosis of the GB wall. Inflammation and
            and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the abdomen were also   ischemia of the GB wall show progressive worsening with age due
            analyzed. Intraoperative findings, histopathology examination   to deteriorating venous insufficiency with age, resulting in more
            features, postoperative morbidity, and length of hospital and ICU   necrosis and perforation. 13,14  Various studies have shown that the
            stay were compared for the three groups.           risk of developing GC is higher in males as compared to females. 2,15
                                                               Our study showed a male:female ratio of 1.4:1, which is similar to a
            results                                            study by Saber et al.  With increasing age the incidence of GC rises,
            In the study period, 55 cases of GC were identified. About 26   Yacoub et al. reported age >45 years as a risk factor for GC.  Fang
                                                               and Yerkovich reported in their studies the median age of patients
            (47.27%) patients underwent LC, OC was performed in 23 (41.82%)   of GC was 65 years, this is also similar to the study of Hunt and
            and LC was converted to OC (LC-OC) in 6 (10.91%) patients. In the   Chu. 2,18  Fang et al. also demonstrated an independent association
            LC group 13 patients were male and 13 were female (50% each),   of age with GC, and each 5-year increase in age was associated with
            in the OC group 14 (60.87%) were males and 9 (39.13%) were   an 18% increase in the likelihood of GC.  Our study also showed
            females, while in the OC-LC group 5 (83.33%) were males and   similar findings with a median age of patients in LC, OC, and LC-OC
            1 (16.66%) was female. The median age of the patients in the LC,   groups as 58.12 ± 16.66, 65.65 ± 11.13, and 58.16 ± 12.79 years
            OC, and LC-OC groups was 58.12 ± 16.66 years, 65.65 ± 11.13 years,   respectively.
            and 58.16 ± 12.79 years respectively. Patients with hypertension   The majority of the patients had one or more comorbidities
            accounted for 45.45% (25 patients), while 41.81% (23 patients)   in this study. In the patient cohort, there was a prevalence of
            were diagnosed with diabetes. Moreover, 16.36% (9 patients)   hypertension in 45.45% of cases, diabetes in 41.81% of cases, and
            had CAD, and 14.54% (8 patients) were on antiplatelet therapy.   a prior history of CAD in 16.36% of cases. Various other studies
            Preoperatively leukocytosis was seen in 22 (40%) patients, raised   have also documented similar findings. 2,3,18  The theory purported
            bilirubin in 13 (23.63%) patients, impaired AST/ALT in 7 (12.72%)   in literature is that atherosclerosis of cystic artery may contribute
            and raised alkaline phosphatase in 6 (10.90%) patients. Creatinine   to vascular insufficiency which leads to the development of
            was raised in 8 (14.54%) patients. CECT abdomen was done   GC.  Fang and Yerkovich reported a novel association between
            preoperatively in 15 patients. GB distension (60%), gall stones   antiplatelet medication and GC.  Our study also showed that
            (53.3%), wall thickening (53.3%), irregular or absent wall (40%), and a   14.54% of patients were on antiplatelet medications with the
            pericholecystic fluid (40%) were the common findings. Few patients   number being more in OC (26.08%) and LC-OC group (16.6%). This
            had pericholecystic abscess (20%), adjacent liver changes (13.34%),   finding is also consistent with the pathophysiological theory that
            and mural striations (6.67%) on the CECT abdomen. Magnetic   proposes vascular insufficiency due to atherosclerosis leads to the
            resonance imaging abdomen was done in 23 patients. Distended   development of GC.
            GB with the edematous wall was the commonest finding (78.26%)   Leukocytosis was present in 22 (40%) patients. Leukocytosis as
            on MRI, followed by irregular mucosal surface (47.82%) and absence   an independent predictor of GC has been shown in many studies. 2,17
            of enhancement of wall (43.78%). Time taken from admission to   Findings in preoperative CECT abdomen were GB distension (60%),
            surgery was 0.84 ± 1.54, 3 ± 4.75, 0.66 ± 0.55 days in LC, OC, LC-OC   GB wall thickening (53.3%), gallstones (53.3%), irregular or absent
            groups respectively with p-value = 0.0008.         wall (40%), and pericholecystic fluid (40%). Other findings were
               During cholecystectomy adhesions were the commonest   pericholecystic abscess (20%), liver changes (13.34%), and mural
            finding (80%), distended GB was seen in 50.9% and thick GB wall   striations (6.67%). Various studies have reported similar findings in
            was present in 30.9%. Gall bladder was perforated in 29.09%, and   CT in patients of GC. 20,21  Magnetic resonance imaging abdomen
            bile or pus in the abdomen was seen in 9.09%. Histopathological   showed distended GB with the edematous wall (78.26%), irregular
            examination findings of resected specimens were mucosal   mucosal surface (47.82%), and absence of wall enhancement
            ulceration (98.18%), diffuse edema (74.55%), prominent thickening   (34.78%). Similar findings have been reported in other studies as
            of the wall (60%), and necrosis (52.72%). Postoperative morbidity   well. 20,21
            was seen in 10 (18.18%) patients. four patients had wound   We also studied the time taken from admission to surgery for
            infection, delirium, and atrial fibrillation was seen in two patients   the patient. This was found to be significantly less (p-0.00080) in LC
            each, and one patient each developed myocardial infarction and   patients (0.84 ± 1.54 days) as compared to the OC group (3 ± 4.75
            bronchospasm. Average hospital and ICU stay in the LC group were   days). Thus, validating the theory that early surgery leads to better
            the shortest (3.76 ± 1.94 days, and 0.53 ± 1.38 days respectively).   results and increased chances of laparoscopic surgery. Delayed
            Hospital and ICU stay in the OC group was 10.8 ± 5.76 and 2.43 ±   surgery due to delay in diagnosis can lead to more chances of
            5.35 days respectively. The average stay of the LC-OC group in the   open surgery and prolonged stay in the hospital. The conversion
            hospital and ICU was 9 ± 6.75 and 3.5 ± 6.8 days. The p-value for   rate of LC to OC was 18.75% in our study. Various studies have
            hospital and ICU stay was 0.0001 and 0.0179 respectively.
                                                               reported conversion rates varying from 14 to 35% for GC. 4,11,12  Dense
                                                               adhesions, insufficient anatomic exploration, bleeding, and injury
            dIscussIon                                         to the bile duct are the main causes of conversion to open.  In our
            We performed a retrospective study to analyze the demographics,   study also adhesions, GB perforation, and thick GB walls were found
            radiological findings, time from diagnosis to surgery, safety of   in patients who underwent LC-OC.
            laparoscopic surgery, postoperative complications, and a hospital   Postoperative hospital stay of patients was significantly shorter
            stay of patients with GC.                          in patients undergoing LC as compared to patients with open

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