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Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Gangrenous Cholecystitis
            Table 1: Demographic characteristics of Patients with GC  Table 4: MRI findings
            Characteristics    LC          OC        LC-OC      Findings                           n       %
            Number         26 (47.27%)   23 (41.82%)   6 (10.91%)   Absence of enhancement of wall  8     34.78
            Male           13 (50%)    14 (60.87%)   5 (83.33%)   Irregular mucosal surface       11      47.82
            Female         13 (50%)     9 (39.13%)   1 (16.66%)   Distended GB with edematous wall  18    78.26
            Median age     58.12 ± 16.66   65.65 ± 11.13   58.16 ± 12.79
            Hypertension    9 (34.62%)   11 (47.83%)   5 (83.33%)   Table 5: Post OP morbidity
            Diabetes       10 (41.67%)   10 (52.63%)   3 (50%)                            LC       OC      LC-OC
            CAD             2 (7.69%)   5 (21.74%)   2 (33.33%)   MI                      0         1       0
            Antiplatelet    1 (3.8%)    6 (26.08%)   1 (16.6%)   Bronchospasm             0         1       0
            therapy                                             Wound infection           0         3       1
                                                                Delirium                  0         1       1
            Table 2: Clinical parameters                        Atrial fibrillation       0         1       1
                            LC       OC      LC-OC  Lap to open    Total                  0      7 (30.4%)  3 (50%)
            Parameter      n = 26   n = 23   n = 6     n = 6
            Vomiting         9       11                 6
            Fever            1        6       0         1      Table 6: Hospital stay
            Leukocytosis     7       12       3         0                             LC         OC       LC-OC
            LFT impairment   5        6       3       3 (50%)   Hospital stay (days)  3.76 ± 1.74  10.08 ± 5.76  9 ± 6.75
                                                                p = 0.0001
            Time from    0.84 ± 1.54 3.0 ± 4.75 0.66 ± 0.51  0.66 ± 0.51  ICU stay (days)  0.53 ± 1.58  2.43 ± 5.35  3.5 ± 6.8
            admission to                                        p = 0.0179
            p = 0.0008
                                                               Clinical Significance
            Table 3: CT findings (N = 15)                      Elderly patients of cholecystitis with leukocytosis should be
            Findings                       n           %       investigated for GC with CECT and MRI and early surgery should
            Irregular or absent wall       6          40       be planned for them for optimum results.
            Pericholecystic abscess        3          20
            Mural striations               1           6.67    Author contrIbutIons
            Pericholecystic fluid          6          40       Dr Preetinder Brar: Research design, writing of paper, performance
            Gall stone                     8          53.3     of research, data analysis.
            Adjacent liver changes         2         13.34     Dr Iqbal Singh: Performance of research, review and editing.
            Distension                     9          60       Dr Hemant Yadav: Research, review and editing.
                                                               Dr Saraansh Bansal: Writing of paper, research and data analysis.
            Wall thickening                8          53.3     Dr JD Wig: Research design, writing of paper, performance of
                                                               research, data analysis, review and editing.
            procedure (p = 0.0001). Similarly, ICU stay was also short in the
            LC group when compared to OC patients (0.0179). Postoperative   orcId
            morbidity was 18.18% in this study. While no postoperative
            morbidity was observed in the LC group; OC and LC-OC groups   Preetinder Brar
            reported wound infection, bronchospasm, myocardial infection,
            and atrial fibrillation in the postoperative period. Previous studies  references
            have reported reduced postoperative morbidity and mortality in     1.  Bourikian S, Anand RJ, Aboutanos M, et al. Risk factors for acute
            patients of GC who underwent LC. 18,22  Girgin et al. reported that   gangrenous cholecystitis in emergency general surgery patients.
            the type of surgery does not have any effect on morbidity, and   Am J Surg 2015;210(4):730–733. DOI: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2015.05.003.
            mortality of patients so LC can be safely attempted in patients with     2.  Fang R, Yerkovich S, Chandrasegaram M. Pre-operative

            GC(Tables 1 to 6). 23                                   predictivefactors for gangrenous cholecystitis at an Australian
                                                                    quaternary cardiothoracic centre. ANZ J Surg 2022;92(4):781–786.
                                                                    DOI: 10.1111/ans.17410.
            conclusIon                                           3.  Onder A, Kapan M, Ulger BV, et al. Gangrenous cholecystitis:
            A high index of suspicion and early surgical intervention in GC   Mortality and risk factors. Int Surg 2015;100:254–260. DOI: 10.9738/
            patients helps in achieving optimum results. Increased and early use   INTSURG-D-13-00222.1.
            of imaging modalities like CECT and MRI abdomen in AC patients     4.  Wu B, Buddensick TJ, Ferdosi H, et al. Predicting gangrenous
            can help in the early diagnosis of GC. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy   cholecystitis. HPB (Oxford) 2014;16(9):801–806. DOI: 10.1111/hpb.
            in GC patients is the appropriate surgical approach. Laparoscopic     5.  Ganpathi AM, Speicher PJ, Englum BR, et al. Gangrenous cholecystitis:
            cholecystectomy reduces postoperative morbidity, but OC should   A contemporary review. J Surg Res 2015;197(1):18–24. DOI: 10.1016/j.
            be used where required to ensure patient safety.        jss.2015.02.058.

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