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            Study of Selection of Method of Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia

            Repair by Comparison of Totally Extraperitoneal

            with Transabdominal Preperitoneal

            Keyur Narendrabhai Surati , Jainam Shah , Yogesh Modiya , Ronak Modi , Sourabh Damani , Kushal Prajapati ,
            Aneri Shah , Arth Chaudhary 8
            Received on: 28 October 2022; Accepted on: 22 February 2023; Published on: 05 September 2023
             Aim: Selection of type of laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair procedure for patients. To observe the comparison of the outcome of laparoscopic
             totally extraperitoneal (TEP) with transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) inguinal hernia repair. Explore the safety and feasibility of laparoscopic
             TEP and TAPP inguinal hernia repair. Advantages and Disadvantages of laparoscopic TEP with TAPP inguinal hernia repair.
             Materials and methods: In this study, 100 cases of inguinal hernia were admitted to the Department of General Surgery, L.G. Hospital, Maninagar,
             Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India in during the study period of 2019–2021 and operated for either of the laparoscopic methods randomly and equal
             in number.
             Results: All of our laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair patients selected for TEP and TAPP and all of them have good outcomes in the form of
             no recurrence. Both TEP and TAPP are found to have safe procedures and our institute has all the facilities required to perform inguinal hernia
             repair so it is feasible as well. Both procedures have their advantages and disadvantages, but both were found to be equally effective.
             Conclusion: From our study, we concluded that any of the inguinal hernia patients can be treated with either of the laparoscopic methods with
             equal results. There is no recurrence in both TEP and TAPP procedures. However, there are some concerns regarding the feasibility of both the
             procedure in the form of laparoscopic setup it requires and higher cost. Laparoscopic TEP repair is marginally better than TAPP in the form of
             the duration of surgical time, port site infection, and seroma while TAPP is marginally better at fewer chances of subcutaneous emphysema, the
             technicality of the procedure and diagnosis of opposite site hernia. However, both techniques are comparable and commendable if performed
             with precision and expertise.
             Keywords: Inguinal hernia, Transabdominal preperitoneal, Totally extraperitoneal.
             World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery (2023): 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1558

                                                               1,3–8 Department of General Surgery, A.M.C. Medical Education Trust
            IntroductIon                                       Medical College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
            Laparoscopic surgeries have made inguinal hernia surgery a   2 Department of General Surgery, SVP Institute of Medical Sciences and
            most interesting endeavor that demands renewed discipline   Research, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
            and dedication, and therefore hernia repairs have been studied   Corresponding Author: Kushal Prajapati, Department of General
            repeatedly.  Both totally extraperitoneal (TEP) approach and   Surgery, A.M.C. Medical Education Trust Medical College, Ahmedabad,
            transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) approach are performed,   Gujarat, India, Phone: +91 9723183879, e-mail:
            none can be termed as a superior procedure as each one is   com
            accompanied by varied advantages, disadvantages and early or   How to cite this article: Surati KN, Shah J, Modiya  Y,  et  al. Study
            late complications.                                of Selection of Method of Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair
               The objective of this article is to systematically study the   by Comparison of  Totally Extraperitoneal with  Transabdominal
            selection of method, comparison of advantages, disadvantages,   Preperitoneal. World J Lap Surg 2023;16(1):15–20.
            outcome, safety, and feasibility of laparoscopic inguinal hernia   Source of support: Nil
            repairs.                                           Conflict of interest: None

            MAterIAls And Methods                              •  Patients with primary and recurrent hernias.
            In this study, 100 cases of inguinal hernia were admitted to   •  Patients should be operated under general anesthesia.
            the Department of General Surgery, L.G. Hospital, Maninagar,
            Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India during the study period between 2019   Exclusion Criteria
            and 2021. The sample size of the study was 100.    •  Patients presented with irreducible/strangulated/obstructed
                                                                  inguinal hernia who required emergency exploration.
            Inclusion Criteria                                 •  Pediatric age group (<12 years) patients are not included.
            •  Patients having uncomplicated reducible and nonobstructive   •  High-risk patients (ASA grade >3) who are not fit for general
              unilateral and bilateral inguinal hernias.          anesthesia.

            © The Author(s). 2023 Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.
            org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and non-commercial reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to
            the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain
            Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
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