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Study of Selection of Method of Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair
            Table 1A: Age distribution                         Table 3: Duration of surgery
            Age range (years)                  Number of patients  Surgery done         N    Mean (average) (minutes)
            13–20                                     3         Laparoscopic hernia repair   100       90
            21–30                                     5         TEP                      50            80
            31–40                                   10          TAPP                     50          100
            41–50                                   10
            51–60                                   15         Table 4: Incidence of pain at 1 week
            61–70                                     7                               LAP hernia repair (both TEP and TAPP)
                                                                Grade of pain            Total         Percentage
                                                                P0 (No pain)              74              74
            Table 1B: Mean age distribution
                                                                P1 (Mild)                 26              26
                          N     Minimum     Maximum    Mean
                                                                P2 (Moderate)               0               0
            Age (year)    100      16         68       45.40
                                                                P3 (Severe)                 0               0
            Table 2: Type of surgeries in different types of hernias
                                                               Table 5: Incidence of pain at 3 months
            Type of hernia                             Total
            Direct                                      58                            LAP hernia repair (both TEP and TAPP)
            Indirect                                    42      Grade of pain             Total        Percentage
            Laparoscopic TEP                            50      P0 (No pain)               98             98
            Laparoscopic TAPP                           50      P1 (Mild)             2 (in TAPP only)      2
                                                                P2 (Moderate)                0              0
            •  Patients who were not willing to follow-up.      P3 (Severe)                  0              0
            •  History of any previous pelvic surgery or irradiation for
              malignancy.                                      Table 6: Seroma formation
            •  Recurrent laparoscopic hernia.
                                                                LAP hernia repair                  Seroma formation
            Visual analog scale (VAS) was used to assess the severity of pain. The   TEP                1
            patient was asked to describe the pain on a scale of 0–10; 0 denoted
            “no pain,” 1 denoted “mild pain,” and 10 denoted “worst pain.”  TAPP                        3
            Pain Score
            •  P0, VAS score 0: No pain                        Table 7: Wound infection
            •  P1, VAS score 1–3: Mild                          LAP hernia repair                Wound infection (%)
            •  P2, VAS score 4–6: Moderate                      TAPP                             2
            •  P3: VAS score 7–10: Severe                       TEP                              0

            In this study of laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair, 100 cases were   Table 8: Surgical emphysema
            taken for study from 2019 to 2021. Operative and postoperative   LAP hernia repair  Surgical emphysema (out of 50)
            details were collected and confirmed by asking questions and   TEP                    12 (24%)
            systemic examination was done during the follow-up. The follow-up   TAPP                 0 (0%)
            duration was 1 year.

            •  Age distribution: The maximum age at the time of operation was   pain was 2% at 3-months follow-up in TAPP cases while in
              68 years and the minimum age was 16 years. The highest age   TEP cases there were 0% mild pain cases. Thus, the incidence
              group was between 51–60 years (Tables 1A and B).    of chronic pain was 2% at 3-months follow-up in TAPP only
            •  Gender distribution: All the patients were male.   (Tables 4 and 5). Moderate or severe pain was not present at
            •  Type of surgeries in different types of hernias: We have performed   3 months follow-up.
              50 TAPP and 50 TEP surgeries. Out of 50 TAPP surgeries, 28 were   •  Hematoma: No  incidence  of  hematoma  was  reported  in
              direct hernias and 22 were indirect hernias and in TEP surgeries   laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair.
              out of 50 patients, 30 were direct hernias and 20 were indirect   •  Seroma formation: The incidence of seroma formation was
              hernias (Table 2).                                  reported in 4% cases more in TAPP (three cases) as compared
            •  Duration of surgery: The mean duration of TEP was 1 hour and   to TEP (one case) (Table 6).
              20 minutes and the mean duration of TAPP surgeries was 1 hour   •  Wound infection: Incidence of wound infection in the form of
              and 40 minutes (Table 3).                           port-side mild infection was reported in 2% of cases both in TAPP
            •  Pain incidence: The incidence of mild pain (P1) was 26% at the   cases most probably due to missed intraperitoneal infection
              1-week follow-up in both TEP and TAPP. The incidence of mild   (Table 7).

             16   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 16 Issue 1 (January–April 2023)
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