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Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomies at Tertiary Care Center

            dIscussIon                                            The average surgical time in the present study was 50 minutes.
            The proportion of laparoscopic hysterectomies has been increasing   The operative time in the study done was Bettaiah et al.  ranged
                                                               from a minimum of 20 minutes to a maximum of 2 hours. About 10
            compared with hysterectomies performed through laparotomy.   patients required blood transfusion in the present study.
            Despite the fact that hysterectomy is the most frequently performed   The most common indication for hysterectomy in the present
            major gynecological surgery, there are still controversies regarding   study is fibroids which contribute to 49%. These findings were
            the optimal route for hysterectomies. 7–9  According to the study                               18
            done by Garry et al., a surgeon needed to perform 25 cases to   similar to the study findings of Rentiya FM and colleagues  and
            complete the learning curve and gain adequate experience.  The   Shin et al.  The mean blood loss in our study was 150 mL. The mean
            mean age of women undergoing TLH in the present study was     blood loss in the study done by Mani K and coworkers,  Suisted
            42 years (Table 1) which was comparable with the findings of the   and Chittenden  were 163 mL and 153 ± 116.1 mL, respectively.
            study done by Mani et al.,  Shin et al.,  Bastidas-Guarín et al.,  and    Complications noted in the present study (Fig. 2) were bladder
            Dojki and Bano colleagues.                         injury (0.5%) over the dome of the bladder, one case of thermal
               About 59% of the patients had a history of prior abdominal   ureteric injury (0.5%) followed by ureterovaginal fistula on day
            surgery in the present study which was higher as compared with   10. In the case of bladder injury over dome – the central portion
            the findings of the study by Dojki and Bano colleagues.  Only 33%   diagnosed intraoperatively during the dissection of uterovesical
            of patients had prior abdominopelvic surgery.      fold in the case of previous 2 LSCS with fibroids was managed
               Patients had multiple symptoms on admission and were   by suturing the bladder in two layers with vicryl 3-0 and omental
            presented with the most common symptom as heavy menstrual   interposition followed by keeping the Foley for 14 days. While in
            bleeding (75.5%), followed by pain in the abdomen (65.5%). These   another case of thermal ureteric injury followed by ureterovaginal
            findings were similar to the findings in the study by Bastidas-Guarín   fistula on postoperative day, 10 patients complained of leaking
            et al.,  Dojki and Bano colleagues,  and Suisted and Chittenden. 15  per vaginum and they immediately underwent contrast CT. On
               In the present study, majority of the patients (70%) underwent   examination using contrast enhanced computed tomography
            TLH under regional spinal anesthesia, while only 30% required   (CECT), the ureterovaginal fistula was confirmed. Bladder integrity
            general anesthesia. These findings were comparable with the study   was maintained. It was found that the patient had double ureters
            findings Chilkund JN and colleague. 16             on the side of the injury with upper and lower moiety drained
                                                               separately by two ureters. The opinion of the urologist was
            Table 3: Intra- and postoperative events           taken followed by DJ stenting. Urine leakage from the vagina
            Characteristics                      Numbers (%)   stopped after 3 weeks and DJ stenting was removed after 6
            Intraoperative blood loss (in mL)                  weeks. Thus, all intraoperative and postoperative complications
                                                               were recognized and managed successfully as per standard
              Less than 100 mL                     73 (36.5%)
                                                               protocols. These findings were similar to single-center study
              100–150 mL                         116 (58%)     done by Puntambekar et al.  The number of cases converted was
              150–200 mL                          11 (5.5%)    3 (1.5%), which was comparable to the study conducted by Bettaiah
            Duration of surgery (hours)                        et al.  (0.9%) Out of the 3 cases, 2 cases were having large cervical
                                                               fibroids while in the other case, it was severe endometriosis making
              Less than 1 hour                     69 (34.5%)  it difficult to proceed for TLH (Fig. 2).
              1–1.5 hours                        118 (59%)        None of the cases needed re-exploration in the present study.
              1.5–2 hours                         13 (6.5%)
            Duration of hospital stay (days)                   conclusIon
              3                                  190 (95%)
                                                               Total laparoscopic hysterectomy is an effective and safe procedure
              4–5                                 10 (5%)      with minimal blood loss, minimal pain with shorter duration

            Figs 2A and B: Complications among the study population – intraoperative and postoperative

                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 16 Issue 1 (January–April 2023)  13
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