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Laparoscopic Spleen-preserving Distal Pancreatectomy for Trauma
            with low injury burden, splenic preservation has to be considered if     4.  Wales PW, Shuckett B, Kim PC. Long-term outcome after nonoperative
            surgical expertise is available. In a review series, nine patients with   management of complete traumatic pancreatic transection in
            grades III and IV injuries were managed with spleen preservation   children. J Pediatr Surg 2001;36(5):823–827. DOI: 10.1053/jpsu.2001.
            as compared to 22 who underwent splenectomy. There was one   22970.
            mortality in each group. There were fewer complications in the     5.  de Blaauw I, Winkelhorst JT, Rieu PN, et al. Pancreatic injury in
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            group undergoing splenic preservation.  The long-term benefits of   2008;43(9):1640–1643. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2008.03.061.
            splenic preservation have not been clearly reported in the literature.     6.  Lin BC, Chen RJ, Fang JF, et al. Management of blunt major
            The incidence of OPSI, though lesser in cases of trauma splenectomy   pancreatic injury. J Trauma 2004;56(4):774–778. DOI: 10.1097/01.ta.
            compared to pathological splenectomies, still remains. 12   0000087644.90727.df.
               There have been few reports of SPDP done entirely laparo-     7.  Nikfarjam M, Rosen M, Ponsky T. Early management of traumatic
            scopically or with hand-port assistance. 7,8,13–17  Improved vision   pancreatic transection by spleen-preserving laparoscopic distal
            during the laparoscopy may make the difficult dissection slightly   pancreatectomy. J Pediatr Surg 2009;44(2):455–458. DOI: 10.1016/j.
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            who are hemodynamically stable. Early management of pancreatic     10.  Adam JP, Jacquin A, Laurent C, et al. Laparoscopic spleen-preserving
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            This case highlights that SPDP for grade III pancreatic injury could   injuries: A practice management guideline from the Eastern
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